Janey Godley Podcasts!

Blog URL:http://janeygodley.podomatic.com
Blog Tags:Comedy, Stand up Comedy, Janey Godley, Ashley Storrie, TV, Podcasts
Country:United Kingdom

Janey Godley and Ashley Storrie shoot the breeze.

Mother and Daughter comedy team get to natter and the world gets to hear it...expect some bawdy language and home truths, some Janey 'baiting' and daughter bashing!

Latest Blog Posts

I have a man obsessed with my flat He thinks about me a lot The post I have a man obsessed with my flat have a read appeared first on Janey Godley.

Festival Diary: Janey Godley is big box office at the book festival The new home of the book festival at Edinburgh College of Art was decidedly lacking in buzz on a dreich Monday morning. By Brian Ferguson Tuesday, 16th August 2022, 4:55 am Janey Go...

Stand-Up Specials

on Aug 16, 2022

BBC Radio 4 – Stand-Up Specials, Janey Godley: Still Got It The post Stand-Up Specials appeared first on Janey Godley.

and my dog “Ma, can I get a Bay City Roller Jumper — they are selling them at the Co-op for £1.99?” I shouted through the toilet door to my mammy. “Everybody has one” I added. My dog Major was at my feet begging to be taken out for a...

I wrote to me aged 16 Dear Janey, you are probably sitting listening to a Donny Osmond LP on your big record player and dreaming of becoming a Mormon, flying off to Utah and marrying the toothy singer…it won’t happen, stop crying and dreaming of...

Janey’s Awards

on Jul 28, 2019

  Outstanding Contribution to Scottish Comedy 2019 – Winner Janey Godley Finalists – Ashley Storrie, Kevin Bishop, Frankie Boyle     The post Janey’s Awards appeared first on Janey Godley.

talk shite 2

on Mar 19, 2017

The post talk shite 2 appeared first on Janey Godley.