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Progressive blog with liberal political blog news, opinions, and philosophy, from environmentalist progressive Scott Supak.

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 Upon hearing that Google plans to purge old inactive accounts, thereby erasing a great history of blogging upon which I often depend, I have decided to revive a few old favorites, like this one and Keep Talking Wingnuts, where we have finally c...

Dickenson:Tell all the Truth but tell it slant --Success in Circuit liesToo bright for our infirm DelightThe Truth's superb surpriseAs Lightning to the Children easedWith explanation kindThe Truth must dazzle graduallyOr every man be blind --Karl Pop...

Trump is out of control. He's destroying norms and institutions that have held this country together for centuries. He attacks people viciously while the conservatives and libertarians cheer him on. They laugh about it. They think it's awesome to mak...

Trump lead in MI: 16,701. Votes for Stein: 51,103. Votes for Johnson: 171,699.Trump lead in WI: 26,889. Votes for Stein: 30,957. Votes for Johnson: 106,292.Trump lead in PA: 68,012. Votes for Stein: 48,998. Votes for Johnson: 142,625.Trump lead in AZ...

What happens to bullshitting narcissists who lose the interest of their sycophants?

While looking at how his lack of understanding of The Donald could be leading Jeb! to trouble, Booman notes a quote from Jeb!“A Republican will never win by striking fear in people’s hearts.”-Jeb! BushSilly, Jeb! That's the only way Republ...

Nate Silver has dipped his toe into the 2016 Presidential prediction market with some typical horse race bullshit that papers over a few key points.As Sean Trende has pointed out, it relies on a selective reading of the evidence — emphasizing 2012,...