Logo & Graphic Design Blog

Blog URL:http://www.trulyace.com/blog
Blog Tags:logo design, graphic design, web design, illustration, art, brand design, identity design, graphic designer, student designer

Logo, illustration and graphic design projects, guides, inspirations and more.

Latest Blog Posts

Business As Usual

on Sep 10, 2020

Well 2020 has been a novel year with many challenges and changes needed for all. We hope that your business has risen to the challenges required and continues to succeed - if you need our help with that, get in touch.Truly Ace is continuing to thrive...

All brands want to be unique and memorable and in pursuit of that usually promote their business through the distribution of original and useful marketing content. Now, would you release original content unique to your brand, and then attempt to lure...

We've been having fun with video production again. Videos have become increasingly important for business marketing as the lengths you need to go to to catch and hold customer attention becomes more sophisticated by the day.Click the HD cog to view t...

Animal Logo Designs

on Nov 14, 2018

It's not uncommon for business owners to want to use an effigy of their pet for their company branding, and so recently we were presented with this dog photo to use as a guide and inspiration for the company logo design. A cute chap, and this is how...

We finally got around to carrying out a photo shoot for the Cadmus flyer and brochure design project. (Company identity design by us also).We're really happy with how these came out ... vibrant, friendly, professional and with a fabulous print quali...

I received this in the post from Nettl today and quite frankly I looked at the box and thought ... I don't remember ordering anything fancy. Then I opened the box and thought ... what on earth sort of marketing on acid is this? How on earth could yo...

We're Still Alive

on Oct 13, 2017

Golly, we've been terribly lax at maintaining this blog it's been almost an entire year since the last time we signalled that we are actually breathing still.So I thought it would be a good idea to say something and confirm that we're alive, we exist...