Epic Fail

Blog URL:http://epicfail.xepher.net
Blog Tags:webcomic, comic, fantasy, role-play, gaming, Dungeons and Dragons, Epic Fail, amuletts
Country:United Kingdom

A Dungeons & Dragons based Fantasy webcomic by Amy Letts. Danger, Deception and... Dancing Dwarves?!

Latest Blog Posts

Pg 124: Wand of WTF

on Nov 2, 2021

This week in Epic Fail: Tinuvielle explains what the wand does. Creator’s Commentary: I asked a forum of D&D Players to name this wand. A “Wand of WTF” was the top suggestion, alternatives being the “Twig of Chaos”...

Pg 123: Wand of What?

on Oct 5, 2021

This week in Epic Fail: Tinuvielle identifies the myserious wand Creator’s Commentary: 10XP if you can guess what it is. Here we get Tinuvielle using her intellegence. What motivates Amuletts? Money. So remind her about all the money she’...

Pg 122: Busy

on Sep 7, 2021

This week in Epic Fail: The heroes are so busy fighting amongst themselves they forget about the Bandits. Creators Commentary: I can’t believe this is happening. Paladin’s and Rogues always get along so well! The post Pg 122: Busy appeare...

This week in Epic Fail: Martin tries to reason with Dirk Creator’s Commentary: If anything, I think Dirk is becoming more sensitised. For those of you who are interested I run a monthly art workshop on Eventbrite. I’m excited to start tea...

Pg 120: Prisoners

on Jul 6, 2021

This week in Epic Fail: The heroes debate what should happen to the prisoners. Creator’s Commentary: Yes, it’s true, even under threat of death Amuletts will not give up ‘her’ stuff. Admirable or stupid? Hmm, Amuletts doesn...

Pg 119: Hide the Wand

on Jun 1, 2021

This week in Epic Fail: Amuletts sugests playing ‘Hide the Wand’ with Dirk, but he’s not interested. Creator’s Commentary: This is based on something that happened in D&D, but with an earlier group of characters (Willi, Mi...

Pg 118: Apprehension

on May 4, 2021

This week in Epic Fail: Dirk tries to arrest Amuletts… again. Creator’s Commentry: Doesn’t Dirk have pretty eyes? I wonder if practising eyes for ‘The Eyes of March’ improved them? The post Pg 118: Apprehension appeared...