Liverpool Stories

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Blog Tags:Liverpool, stories, video, music, culture, documentary, life, merseyside, blog
Country:United Kingdom

A video project dedicated to created a wide range of stories created by people living and working in Liverpool and Merseyside.

Latest Blog Posts

To the Youth

on Mar 19, 2014

Two versions of the same poem by Nordahl Grieg performed beautifully by Grethe Borsum and Nathan Jones.  Part of the NICE Festival in Liverpool. Mevio {Mevio-1e9b69dd9c12da148f6a986dc97e182f}...

Giants in Anfield

on Mar 19, 2014

Mevio {Mevio-1e9b69dd9c12da148f6a986dc97e182f}...

Canal Taxi

on Mar 19, 2014

The Canal Taxi has been doing the rounds in the canal over the summer. It is the brainchild of Dutch artist Lambert Kamps. An upside down hackney cab donated by local company Taxifix has been transformed into the vessel and his progress tracked by y...

City 2 City Cycle Ride

on Mar 19, 2014

Sponsor the city 2 city cycle ride in aid of the Plaza Community Cinema here. Mevio {Mevio-1e9b69dd9c12da148f6a986dc97e182f}...

On 1st November, THOUSANDS of people from every community in Merseyside stood shoulder to shoulder to make a stand against hate crime in the wake of the homophobic attack on PC James Parkes. Mevio {Mevio-1e9b69dd9c12da148f6a986dc97e182f}...

Filmed for a small cinema in Widnes held over Easter. Mevio {Mevio-1e9b69dd9c12da148f6a986dc97e182f}...

Squash Nutrition

on Mar 19, 2014

Squash Nutrition is an arts and health initiative that promotes creativehealth education through workshops, courses, events and training. They've been cultivating a brown site along the canal since Easter. Mevio {Mevio-1e9b69dd9c12da148f6a986dc97e18...