Money as Debt also Known as Credit

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Blog Tags:money, debt, credit, money supply
Country:United Kingdom

An analysis of money as it is being created and abused as a monopoly by central and other banks

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This video was recorded when Martin Wolf, Chief Commentator at the Financial Times, addressed the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales and Positive Money. Here’s one of his comments: Strip private banks of their power to cre...

I had intended to publish the previous post on We Who Oppose Deception. But getting the right information to the right people at the right time might as well include such ‘mistakes’ that WordPress offers with its wonderful functionality o...

Kevin Annett made this interview about the killing children. He recently survived an assassination attempt in Canada. Here’s another video concerning the British Royals in Canada: PaedoGate - Proofs of a Paedophile ring within royalty & gov...

The Bradbury Pound in 1914 is the model for what more and more people are waking up to: banks create ‘money’ from thin air as Credit and charge interest for it; central banks lend it to governments – at interest – as national...

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 3,600 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 60 tri...

This development in Hungary is a remarkable change of the tide. I analysed the 10 German articles that led to Hungary Sheds Bankers’ Shackles in the American Free Press. What I find most interesting is: the ‘F U’ to the Internationa...

Bring Back the Bradbury Pound! Countdown to 7th August 2014 100th Anniversary of Historic Solution to end Britain’s ‘crisis’, austerity & corruption There is a deep malaise affecting our country – something is clearly not right. To ca...