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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 12:30 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
A new ebook in Portuguese with an interesting Brontë-related contributions:
Edited by Sandra Sirangelo Maggio and Valter Henrique de Castro Fritsch
Editora Zouk
ISBN: 978-65-5778-130-2

O Período Vitoriano: rastros literários e desdobramentos, edited by researchers Sandra Sirangelo Maggio and Valter Henrique Fritsch, delves deeply into the intricate web of Victorian literature, revealing its nuances and complexities amidst the social, political, and cultural context of the 19th century British society.
This collection offers a meticulous approach to the works and themes that characterized the literature of the time, featuring renowned authors such as Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, and Mary Shelley. With twenty-four chapters rigorously developed by prominent researchers, the work highlights the role of literature as a faithful mirror of the tensions and contradictions of Victorian society.
Each chapter constitutes a window into a distinct aspect of Victorian literature, investigating from philosophical and moral issues to the nuances of the novel and the gothic. The authors explore adaptations, derivative fiction, and themes that resonate in contemporary literature, cinema, and other forms of artistic expression.
The result of a collaboration between the Postgraduate Program in Letters at UFRGS and Editora Zouk, this work transcends the merely academic scope, constituting an invitation to intellectual reflection through the corridors of Victorian literature, where the past dialogues in a captivating and elucidating way with the present.
The book contains the chapters:
A reinvenção de Jane Eyre no graphic novel Jane, de Aline Brosh McKenna 
by Débora Almeida de Oliveira 
Marionette: o entrelugar da mulher crioula em Wide Sargasso Sea 
by Deborah Mondadori Simionato and Marcela Zaccaro Chisté
The influence of water and air in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre 
by Caroline Navarrina de Moura 
A coloniser’s trauma and possible dialogues in Villette
by Alan Noronha 


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