#StopWorldControl with #Money and #MindControl

StopWorldControl.com is the remarkable result of the Grand Jury that came together to give evidence regarding COVID. The conclusion is an 87-page report as well as a video summary by the German lawyer Dr Rainer Füllmich who initiated these ‘model proceedings’.

Page 84 of the report mentions what I had to learn from two child victims and witnesses: organised child abuse by the elite, instilled by Luciferianism. I was given a nine-year prison sentence for supposedly harassing four named abusers – more than many a convicted paedophile is given. After nearly four years I was deported to Germany in January 2022.

My case was described as “one of the grosses cases of both subversion and perversion of justice in British legal history”. My barrister said: “There must be somebody high up involved the way you’ve been hounded”.

But she didn’t defend me effectively. I had to go to jail to think in slow motion. And I was given many dreams and one with a letter signed by an angel giving me headlines for my ‘number work’. It resulted in finding patterns as solution of the Prime Number problem. Hence I call my latest website #PrimeNumbers in #AmazingColourPatterns.

But it also has an interesting financial side to it: the patterns are #MathematicalArt as #DigitalAssets. Digital art can be bought and sold for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) which can be bought and sold for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (chronologically the first) and Ether (the second in terms of market capitalisation).

My initial collections of mathematical ‘icons’ are on Open Sea – the largest marketplace for NFTs. But I have not put them up for sale yet. For my work is in constant progress rather than ‘complete’. However, I have put up for sale the spreadsheets that I created to produce the first 43 icons. They are available from the Prime Number Store.

So the #MoneySupply of #FiatMoney from hot air has found a match in #blockchain as the technology that is used to ‘mint’ and trace every currency transaction.

When we met in the House of Lords to discuss monetary issues, we could hardly anticipate this solution!

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