
Carbon Rebates For The Commoners; Combatting The Climate Change Phantom

It looks like the carbon tax will become the key issue in Canadian politics.

The Conservatives think they've found their winning strategy and will use it as a leitmotif while the Liberals will continue to force through an endless stream of costly programs doomed to fail thanks to the  two minor status chumps NDP and Bloc Quebecois who prop up this silly government and a feckless Canadian "media" once again running to its defence in support of the tax.

The Conservatives aren't alone though. The provincial governments of Alberta and Saskatchewan oppose the tax without reservation and are willing to fight it. Nova Scotia has expressed its disapproval while Ontario Liberals who are seeking to dethrone the beaten down Ford Conservatives have announced they wouldn't impose a tax.  Quebec, being Quebec, embraces taxes. Quebec has never a seen a tax it doesn't love. It has gone Full Metal Marxist into the Green Grift. It will be left holding a big bag of nothing for its troubles. Well, the population will. The grifters will make out like train robbers.

Above al, the Conservatives appear to have the backing of the electorate. Thousands of Canadians - including truckers and farmers - are protesting in the streets the tax. Have we ever seen Canadians this engaged mobilizing protesting one of the most unpopular governments in history? I haven't.

Of course, the geniuses running and ruling this country won't listen. They will just accuse Canadians of being victims of Poilievre lies and everyone's favourite - misinformation and disinformation.

You will listen to ONE voice of propaganda pal. The state.

Sensing he's losing the plot, Trudeau first asserted provincial politicians did a poor job 'selling' the tax. Not everyone's a natural con man I reckon. But then came a 'study' by a group of 200 'non-partisan' economists extolling the virtues, without evidence, of a carbon tax. The timing was, erm, perfect. Then the usual suspects in media picked up the 'study' and explained to the population they believe to be Pavlovian Dogs that '200 experts' can't be wrong. Just like during COVID. 

Flatten the curve. 95% effective. 97% consensus. 200 experts. 4 in 5 dentists.

It's a marvel anyone listens to such silly appeals to authority.

Let's explore this on a basic and superficial level as to why a carbon tax at this time - if ever - is foolish and won't work.

In a nutshell? C02 doesn't drive temperatures. We've known this for at least 300 years thanks to England's tenacious tracking of climate and weather. It's a known fact. Like masks and lockdowns were known in the literature to not work and therefore never recommended as well as asymptomatic people were never known to be main drivers of outbreaks, the established data showed C02 is not a main driver of temperature. 

Why, it's almost as if the same people who run the climate change industry run public health. Follow that money folks.

Right here, the story should end. Ah, but it doesn't. This is Canada A leader in quackery. A laggard in reality. A lap dog to globalist interests.

How far behind the ball is this country? The trillion dollar climate change  system change industry appears to be on its last legs. When you have politicians blaming a housing crisis very much of their own doing - Hello Justin! - on climate change, you alert even the most unconscious of normies. 

The idea of the tax is to change habits. It's social engineering. Think masks and social distancing. How did that work out? They lied about it then and they're lying about the tax too. It's to limit consumption with the idea of reducing emissions with the goal of 'Zero emissions' by 2030 or whatever arbitrary date they set without a shred of empirical evidence. Just like they did during COVID. Nothing they pimped was backed by evidence based science. Nothing. 

But we already mentioned CO2 doesn't drive temperatures (weren't we supposed to have lost the UK, NYC and Coral Reef by now?). So how can this work? It can't. Because it's not about that. It's about population control - and money. These are measures to keep you in place like a serf. Meanwhile, the shysters peddling this nonsense from Justin to Greta to Kerry to Di Caprio to  one Al Gore continue to fly around in private jets leaving 'carbon footprints' the size of the hot air coming out of their collective asses.

And notice they're not stopping at one of earth's elements that sustains life. They're going after methane and nitrogen. And if you think they're not going to talk oxygen, you're mot paying attention.

You're dealing with a cult here. A cult filled with grifters, hypocrites, useful idiots, and stupid people. 

At this rate, they're going to propose taxing the periodic table of elements. 

The government and its adherents for the tax point out that people will be getting a 'rebate' greater than what they pay in tax. If that's the case, then what's the point? In any event, do they not grasp it's tax money being recirculated? They just take it and give it back. There's no benefit whatsoever. Not in your pockets and not for emissions. And it's not 'revenue neutral'.

it's quite alarming people are buying into this scheme. It's all nonsensical financial sophistry. 

Now let's look at some data and international examples.

Canada is the 7th largest emitter per capita in the world. It's the highest in the G7. I mention the G7 because Freeland and everyone in the Liberal establishment loves to cherry pick data when convenient to promote whatever economic success they want to cheer. Well, like having the highest household debt per capita in the G7, we're the biggest emitters. We're also the 7th largest gross emitter on the planet.

Some will say, 'Well all the more we need to put in a tax. It's the cheapest and most sensible way to achieve it!' Except, there's no evidence that it will or can.

Another issue is the biggest gross emitters in the world - China, India, USA, Russia - all don't expect to tackle emissions. The next two - Japan and Germany - just implemented carbon schemes. 

Interestingly the UK, Italy and France rank 17th-19th. Italy doesn't have a carbon tax. 

The carbon emissions bar graphs look a lot like COVID restrictions graphs. That is, they show no rhyme or reason proving they actually work. 

Sweden and Australia represent an interesting case. Australia tried it in 2012 and killed it in 2015 citing it was driving the cost of living too much. They claim it was 'working' but when you look at their bar graph (link above), you notice that emissions seemed have been stable. In fact they appear to have gone down after the tax was ended in 2016.

Sweden is an even more interesting case being wa head of the curve (Canada is a laggard by comparison) having put in a tax in1991 They claim the tax is a success but when you look at their graph, emissions were already on the down trend by 1991 from the 1970s.

It's the exact same ploy they did with the vaccines in the 50s. By the time vaccine program rolled out cases were down. And then they claimed 'victory'.

The question becomes - Why pretend? 

I think they want all these things to make a difference so badly they're willing to manipulate and force data to meet any result they want.

Like COVID cases and deaths and other stats, I'd treat climate change data with a grain of salt.

We'll see if what I laid out here will be proven more correct than not.


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