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Friday, May 10, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024 12:33 am by M. in ,    No comments

A new production of Wuthering Heights opens today. May 10th.
A co-production of Sommerblut Kulturfestival und Theater im Bauturm

Wuthering Heights
by Emily Brontë

Director Frederik Werth
Set Design Maria Strauc
Assistant Director Judith Freitag | With Anja Kunz
mann and Alina Rohde
May 10-17

Long marginalized as a Victorian sentimental trifle and remembered mainly through Kate Bush's song, Emily Brontë's 1847 novel Wuthering Heights (usually translated into German as Sturmhöhe) has been experiencing an astonishing renaissance for some time now. For Mithu Sanyal, it is even "the postmodern novel of the 19th century." Director Frederik Werth will reinterpret the dark story of a wild, sometimes brutal love set against a rugged landscape, and close one of the narrative gaps in the novel in an unexpected way. In a multimedia theater performance, the narrative positions of the novel by the safe fireplace will be questioned against our own perspectives: the true crime podcast.


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