Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Summers at the Saint - Mary Kay Andrews

You know that summer is just around the corner when Mary Kay Andrews releases a new novel! Summers at the Saint is that new book!

St. Cecelia is the name of the Georgia hotel and club frequented by the wealthy. Although everyone refers it as The Saint, the employees from the other side of the tracks refer to themselves as 'the ain'ts. Traci Eddings was an ain't - but she's now running the resort after the death of her beloved husband.

I always enjoy Andrews' protagonists. They're driven, smart, kind, intelligent and fair - someone you'd like to know in real life. Traci is very mindful of the staff are doing, providing some perks to keep them happy. It's been hard to find staffing this year.

Readers are going to know what Traci doesn't. We get to see what's going on under the surface. And it's not good at all. I have to say, I didn't expect some of what happens, but it was quite all believable. I was so mad with those characters! 

To temper that plotline, is a perfect yes, no, maybe so romance. There's also some twists that I didn't see coming - and they changed my prediction for the final pages. I was happily wrong!

The narrator was Kathleen McInerney - a favorite of mine. She's voiced quite a few of Andrews' other titles and they've also been wonderful to listen to. McInerney's voice matched the plot if that makes sense. She embodies the characters and brings them to life. Each character has been given an identifiable and believable voice - both male and female, young and old. Her voice is very pleasant to listen to, and she enunciates very well. Her voice easily portrays the emotions and actions of the plot. An excellent presentation of a wonderful book!

Andrews has done it again. She's written another book that grabbed my attention and held it from first chapter to last. A must for your earphones and beach bag. Hear for yourself - listen to an audio excerpt of Summers at the Saint.

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