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Ending better than it started

The day started our pretty bad as far as food is concerned. I have to get better about thinking on my feet faster when thrown unhealthy options. The Husband and I went to my MIL’s with the thought that we would go out for breakfast. That’s when everything fell apart. We got there and The Stepson had already made his breakfast and MIL was out for breakfast with a friend…The Husband decided that, after visiting, we would “pick up” something in the way home.

Here are several things wrong with how this went down:
1. We woke up around 8am and didn’t actually eat until after 10! This is not good for me as I almost always then end up eating more than I should , make bad choices, and usually end up with a migraine.
2. Often times, to try and push off a migraine, I have to choose foods high in fat. While there are some “healthy” fatty foods (like avocado) these aren’t always available to me when it comes to it.
3. I was mentally prepared in how to order in a sit-down place had we gone that route with MIL; but “pick up” is do different because that is fast food, and we all know that isn’t good.
4. We ended up at Mexican fast food. I dint think there is ever anything good about that. But as we were driving back, there really wasn’t any other choices.

So, bad choices, bad situation, just bad all around. On the plus side, I did choose something that had not too much bad in it. Sure, refrained beans aren’t great. But their breakfast plate is really scrambled eggs with salad verde mixed in (probably could do without the tortilla chips mixed in with it) but their potatoes are very plain (I often complain about their lack of flavor because they really are simply just boiled red potatoes and then tossed on the grill with “healthy oil”(at least that’s what they advertise) so not too bad. Plus some befriend beans (probably shouldn’t have eaten those, but see above about the migraine. That was really the part that was going to stop me from wasting my day in bed with a migraine.

The good news about that bad choice, however, was that it really was HOURS before I needed to eat again. I’m getting better at recognizing the signs that I am hungry. I didn’t eat again until after 3. Not a great choice, but at least I didn’t start my day off bad and keep going downhill from there.

Before lunch/dinner, I went grocery shopping and filled up on fruits and veggies. Watermelon, cantaloupe, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, etc. I am well stocked for the week and great healthy choices that I am going to pack for lunches and snacks. No need to eat unhealthy all week.

On the way back from the store I picked up subway for us. Fresh chopped Black Forest ham/turkey salad with oil and vinegar. For a day that started off with me throwing away 25 points on breakfast, I’m not doing too bad considering I drank all my water, plus unsweetened tea, and still have plenty of points left over. So many it might actually be a day that I end with too many points leftover.

Tomorrow is a holiday for many, but a work day for me. Here we go!

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