"Brazil" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Brazuca BlogThe Brazuca Blog

A blog about Brazil, the Lusophone world and Portuguese language.


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"When it arrived, everyone was happy," said Tsainama Marubo, 73, […] "But now, things have gotten worse," Along the Ituí River deep in the Amazon, the Marubo people live, eat and work all in relative isolation. The Marubo language and culture...

Down in Brazil there’s a city in that is increasing the size of their local mangrove forest to protect itself against raising seas and more intense storms. Mangrove forests are excellent at buffering against storms due to their root systems (an...

China's Tesla rivals have had the door to the US EV market slammed in their faces — so they're turning their attention to Brazil, Mexico, and Europe.

Rio Grande do Sul has been facing heavy rains since last week, with 143 people confirmed to have lost their lives in the resulting floods so far.

During a live home shopping segment in Brazil, a host touted a pressure cooker that clearly lacked some vital safety features. He cracked it open mid-cook and scalding liquid erupted everywhere, instead of shouting or at least admitting that the pres...

A woman in Brazil thought she could get away with wheeling her dead "uncle" into a bank to sign away his money. Propping his head up with one hand while spotting a pen in his other hand, she told the corpse that if it didn't cooperate, it would have...

Para Todos was a Brazilian magazine dedicated to arts and culture, initially founded as a film journal in 1918. The bold covers that you see here were illustrated by José Carlos, who took over as director in 1922. Carlos was an incredible graphic de...