"Data" Blogs & Blog Posts

Green Lane Allotments Weather DiaryGreen Lane Allotments Weather Diary

Weather information gathered from a weather station in our garden and how t...

Pro CommercePro Commerce

A look at the direction and meaning of commerce. Commerce is the source of...


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In this video, posted by Major Grin, our favorite android Starfleet officer's vaguely sadistic taste for visiting prisoners is explored. I was fascinated to see the relevant scene from the original version of third-season episode The Most Toys,...

If you're seeking a tranquil java joint to sip your brew in peace, you may want to avoid Starbucks — at least during peak hours. New sound data reveals that Starbucks ranks among the noisiest chains, especially between 8-9am and 3-4pm when the deci...

Apple’s security restrictions for the Vision Pro are creating roadblocks for app developers but future users will be glad to… Continue reading Apple Vision Pro app developers are blocked from certain data, but users should be grateful The...

OpenAI, Meta, Google and other tech companies are considering some creative ideas to find more data to train their AI models.

As AI becomes more powerful, tech companies like Meta and OpenAI have sought data more aggressively, opening them up to copyright violations.

AT&T said the data belonging to millions of its customers appears to be from 2019.

US Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) disclosed on Thursday that the National Security Agency (NSA) has acknowledged purchasing records from data […] The post Not just unethical but illegal — NSA admits to spying on Americans appeared first on Re...