"Scams" Blogs & Blog Posts

Fibomercials and ScamsFibomercials and Scams

A funny, thoughtful look at the pants-on-fire crowd of infomercials and sca...


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Imminent: Inside the Pentagon's Hunt for UFOs is an upcoming non-fiction book by Luis Elizondo, who allegedly served as the director of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, the US government's dedicated department for the study of un...

James thought he was getting rid of a Lake Tahoe timeshare he no longer used. Instead, he found himself ensnared in a scam perpetrated by one of Mexico's most violent drug cartels. AARP's podcast, The Perfect Scam, presents this tale in a two-part sp...

Harvard Business School researchers say AI could completely automate phishing attacks and reduce their cost by 95%. They could also help detect them.

Scammers in Australia are using deepfakes of Steve Irwin's son and other celebrities to trick fans into sending them millions in crypto.

Charles Carmakal, the CTO of Mandiant, a cyber security firm and Google subsidiary, said hackers are getting more hold in their ransomware attacks.

A Chinese criminal organization has stolen $50 million and untold credit card numbers using a franchise of over 75,000 fake online shops, a study found.

A Bitcoin trader lost nearly $70 million after criminals tricked them into sending crypto to a fake address that looked like their own.