"Technique" Blogs & Blog Posts

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I’ve been playing music games for the past 10 years and playing music-music for longer than that, and I’m fascinated with how much musicianship you can learn from playing video games. The answer is: Some, and in interesting ways.Read more...

View this post on Instagram My real beauty secret? Yea ok it’s a vibrator! But I only use this on my face…honest! There’s 3 settings…but... The post OMG, the secret to Toni Braxton’s beauty routine? A vibrator to the FACE! appea...

I've been trying to sing against a recording of two other people singing different harmony parts.I found it almost impossible to pitch accurately because I couldn't see them.I've written before that Singing is all about listening. But we don't just l...

There are many interval training exercises to help singers distinguish between, say, a perfect fourth and a minor third.But do they actually work? Do the exercises carry over into the singing?There are plenty of vocal exercises out there designed to...

We’ve all been there. We don’t do something for a while, then start to believe that we’ve lost the knack.It applies to singers, workshop leaders, song arrangers, choir leaders, song writers – in fact, pretty much all of us! How do we deal wit...

I teach singing workshops across the UK. I’m lucky to get a lot of the same singers turning up each time.Which means that I can’t keep on using the same old jokes or worn out warm up routines. Here’s how I keep things fresh.It’s easy to keep...

I use lip trills (or lip bubbles) as part of my warm ups. Some singers find them hard to do. Others don’t see the point.I’m going to share some expert advice so you can do lip trills properly then make your own mind about their use.Lip trills (or...