"Teens" Blogs & Blog Posts

Musings from Me on Kids, Preteens, and TeensMusings from Me on Kids, Preteens, and Teens

I am raising a kid, a preteen, and a teen and living to blog about it. I re...

Frangipani PrincessFrangipani Princess

pop-culture, magazines and randomness galore


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These teens build AI and robots in their free time. Their parents say they focused on supporting their kids' innate curiosity.

Two 17-year-olds created the first device to successfully filter microplastics from water using ultrasonic sound waves and won $50,000 for their work.

With so many options, it's difficult to know what the best skincare for teens really is. From gentle cleansers to broad-spectrum SPF, these are the top recommendations from dermatologists.

A field trip to the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles turned into a bummer on Tuesday afternoon when eight high school students freaked out after consuming cannabis edibles. The teens, who were on a chaperoned excursion, caught the attention of a secur...

This chart shows that 74% of adult women who got a smartphone at 6 said they were struggling mentally. It makes me glad I grew up in a lower-tech age.

More often than not, I had kids at three different schools. That’s 3 sets of emails, different days off, multiple health and safety alerts, and a slew of grading notices from three schools. At one time, I had 1 kid… Read more → The...

Abercrombie & Fitch's history: the rise, fall, controversies, and comeback of the 130-year-old retailer...