"Theology" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Kate Tomas is a corporate psychic. She says CEOs have paid her hundreds of thousands to help them make decisions — and more money.

Greg Epstein is the New York Times-bestselling author of Good Without God: What a Billion Nonreligious People Do Believe. Since 2005, he's served as a Humanist Chaplain at Harvard University — an institute that was founded by Puritans, with the int...

I love Hugo and Nebula-Award winner Jo Walton's science fiction and fantasy novels (previously) and that's why it was such a treat to inaugurate my new gig as an LA Times book reviewer with a review of her latest novel, Lent, a fictionalized retellin...

Over a few years I have been watching with interest different friends’ responses to the various ‘hot button’ issues that emerge. The most recent, and one of the most interesting the NZ Government’s decision to call on the state broadcaster [&...

? Now that the merry merry month of May 1 May was indeed a merry, merry month as various nations, and also your humble reporter, celebrated their 70th birthdays during the month. Sadly as part of the carnival the Orange Overlord chose my birthday to...

1. The Givenness Of Things by Marilynne Robinson I have enjoyed her novels and was pleased to find a writer not only identifying as Christian but Calvinist too. So I was keen to get to grips with some of her non-fiction. If her no...

Writing in his official capacity, Archbishop Secretary Arthur Roche has published a letter detailing the Vatican's position on gluten-free Eucharist. (more…)...