We are offering our next 1-hour zoom workshop on Introduction to House Church. Time: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 5:00 pm Pacific Daylight Time Sign up here if you are interested! This introductory workshop is best for those who are... ...
One of many authors writing books and articles on The Great Dechurching said: "We are experiencing the largest religious shift in US history – greater than the Great Awakenings, but in the opposite direction." While this is undoubtedly true...
On October 13-14 our Canadian friends, Pathfinders, will be hosting a gathering near the geographic centre of Canada, Winnipeg! "Yearning to reach others relationally? Interested in the fundamentals of simple/organic church? Rethinking what kingdom l...
Paul tells the elders, "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to... ...
Asbury renewal among today’s younger generation… and The Jesus Revolution movie depicting the movement of God among young people 50 years ago… I am reminded that God is able to draw people to himself: without the hype without the organized......
Some of you might consider having a vision and mission statement for organic-house church a little bit too ‘un-organic.’ Others of you might find that such statements bring focus and direction and that they can be inspirational. For those in......
The Spanish translation of the Simple/House Church book is now available. Thanks to the wonderful team at the Centers of Church Based Team, we now have this translation available. They wanted to use it for their missionary work and training,... ...