on Mar 20, 2014 in:
Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one—ancient Chinese proverb I could say it’s because green tea helps fight cancer and cardiovascular disease, lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol, fights tooth decay, and reduces we...
I was recently in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, visiting with friends like my good friend Zeia (a high-energy black lab) for Christmas, and during my quiet walk in Ladner village (you need the occasional quiet walk when you’re visiting wi...
On the eve of the New Year, a few friends and I hiked along the Pacific shore and banks of the Fraser River, south of Vancouver. We eventually found ourselves in the sleepy fishing/farming village of Ladner, BC. Essentially a suburb of Vancouver, the...
Back by popular demand, I thought I would provide a public service to those of you indulging in the holiday festivities, like my good friend writer and party hound Nina Munteanu. Here is my 8-pose Christmas Yoga Exercise to help you gear up for all t...
Feeling like a squirrel, I ceased my manic scamper and centered myself. I stood in deep green, surrounded by the whispering hush and soft clanking of bamboo trees. I was lost in Arashiyama’s lanky forest just outside Kyoto Japan. No matter, I thoug...
Late this summer, when I was cruising south of the Canadian border, I stopped in Louisville to visit my good friend, Sparky, in the Highlands. After our customary greeting (“woof!” “meow,” “woof!” “meow…”), he eagerly told me about...
She swept into my life like a summer storm, her face radiating with an ethereal and innocent beauty. I was struck like lightning. Almost scorched my stuffings and set my little kokoro pitter-pattering. I’d been scampering up the Sannen-zaka Steps o...