Freedom and Flourishing

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Blog Tags:liberty, happiness, well-being, utility, flourishing, self-actualization, economics, institutions, ethics

This blog explores links between freedom (liberty) and human flourishing

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 The accompanying graphic suggests that it does. It is from Michael A Bishop’s book, The Good Life: Unifying the Philosophy and Psychology of Well-Being, published in 2015. What is a PCN? A PCN is a positive causal network, or feedback loop.

 I have asked Chris Matthew Sciabarra to present his views on the question posed above because he has possibly thought more deeply than any other living person about the relevance of social context to the pursuit of libertarian ideals. The depth...

 I asked myself whether it is possible for humans to flourish if they don't live good lives after reading an article by Markus Knee and Damiel Haybron entitled "The Folk Concept of the Good Life: Neither Happiness nor Well-Being” (SSRN Electro...

 Norms of Liberty is a work of political philosophy written by Douglas B Rasmussen and Douglas J Den Uyl, and published in 2005. The blurb on Amazon provides a good description of what the book is about: “How can we establish a political/leg...

 Perceptive readers may have guessed that I am not writing about my hobbies because I like drawing attention to myself. There are some things that I want to publicize that are more worthy of your attention. I usually list my hobbies as reading,...

 This illustration of the fictional island of Utopia was apparently in the first edition of Thomas More’s book, Utopia, published in 1516. The word utopia was coined by More to mean ‘no place’ or ‘nowhere’, but More suggested that it c...

 When you think of dialectical approaches the idea that may come to mind is thesis, anti-thesis, and synthesis. As suggested in the sentence quoted above, I am viewing dialectical approaches more broadly in this essay. Before discussing the mean...