Friday, October 02, 2015

It's Time To Stop This E-Mail "Scandal" Nonsense

For months now, the media (and others) have been harping about the e-mail "scandal" of Hillary Clinton. And they continue to do it in spite of the fact that there was no wrongdoing.

I can understand why the Republicans invented this fake scandal. They are terrified that Hillary Clinton will be the nominee, and they are trying to do everything they can to smear her name (and give their own nominee a slim chance to win the White House). That's no surprise, because lying has been an integral part of Republican campaigns in the last couple of decades.

But it's very disappointing that the mainstream media has gone along with this ridiculous fake scandal for so long. Are they trying to smear Clinton to make the Democratic race closer (and therefore give themselves more viewership), or are they just too stupid to see through the Republican lies? Either way, they should be ashamed of themselves.

And the Bernie Sanders supporters who continue to spread the Republican lies should be even more ashamed. I can't believe their candidate would approve of their gutter tactics.

Let me set the record straight one more time.

* Hillary Clinton, in using a private e-mail server, did not do anything different than past Secretaries of State have done (including Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell).

* Hillary Clinton broke no law and violated no regulation by using the private server.

* No classified information was sent over the private server.

* And Hillary Clinton is NOT being investigated by the FBI. (Instead, the FBI is trying to determine whether that server may have been hacked by outside sources -- and they have found NO evidence that it was hacked).

My plea to the media (and some Sanders supporters) is this. It is obvious by now that there is no scandal. Stop spreading the Republican LIES!

(NOTE -- The image of Hillary Clinton above is from

1 comment:

  1. It's kind of the opposite of IOKIYAR: It's Not OK If You're a Clinton. But it does seem to me that this story is winding down. Of course, they will just find another. I wrote about this the other day in regards to Ron Fournier, The "Clinton Malfeasance" Conspiracy Theory. It's exhausting. I wonder how many times CNN will push this nonsense at the debate.


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