Sunday, September 09, 2018

Trump Cuts Humanitarian Aid To Palestine

(This photo of a Palestinian family is from

The "great negotiator" has developed a new policy to encourage negotiations between Palestinians and Israel. Of course, it's not a fair policy. Trump wants to force Palestinians to comply with whatever Israel wants.

In the last three weeks, Trump has cut humanitarian aid to Palestine. Three weeks ago, Trump cut $300 million in aid to Palestine for humanitarian aid and development. Two weeks ago, he cut another $200 million in aid for schools and health clinics. Last week, he cut an additional $25 million in aid destined for sic East Jerusalem hospitals that serve Palestinians.

He says he cutting the money to make the Palestinians come back to the negotiating table. He completely ignores the fact that Israel is the biggest obstruction to continuing negotiations. If they negotiate, they would have to stop stealing Palestinian lands to build new Jewish settlements -- and they might even have to give that land back. They are not going to do that -- and the easiest way to do that is make unreasonable demands on the Palestinians to negotiate -- which they have effectively done for years now.

Trump's policy might make sense if he had cut the aid to BOTH SIDES to bring them to the negotiating table. But he didn't do that. The U.S. continues to send Israel about $3.1 billion in aid -- and Trump has said he wants to increase that to $3.3 billion in 2019.

All Trump's action has done is show that the United States is no longer a fair broker in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Trump wants whatever Israel wants -- and he's willing to starve the Palestinians and deny them medical care to accomplish that.

Trump's action is shameful, unfair, and immoral. That shouldn't surprise us, since he is a shameful, unfair and immoral person.

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