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*This post is dedicated to you, Bijoux, because I know how much you love sunshine and warmth!


If I ever made a list of all the jobs (and careers) I've had in my life, it would be as long as the book 'Gone With the Wind' by Margaret Mitchell (1037 pages). And I could probably produce a one-hour 10-episode mini-series from all my jobs. 

What can I say? I'm a Libra. And Libra's thrive on learning new things. We like to "dabble" in different occupations because we find so many occupations interesting. Libra is an "air" sign, so we need mental stimulation or we get bored. The only reason I'm still in the self-care beauty industry is because it is continually changing. Therefore, I'm always training and learning something new. 

It's kind of like when I was an actor for over 30 years. As an actor, you are continually challenged with different roles, plays, musicals, and the "craft" itself. And even though as a stage actor you repeat the same show eight times a week, it's not the same show because each audience is different, so you have to adjust to the audience. Therefore, it's a different show every performance. 

One of these days, when I have time, I'll try to think of every job I've had throughout my life so far and post the list on my blog, just so you can read it.

But for now, I'd like to share a time in my life when I worked in the hotel/hospitality industry in South Florida. 

At that time, I was living in Boca Raton. If anyone has never heard of Boca Raton (or just "Boca" for short), it's the southernmost city in Palm Beach County. Boca truly has the most stunning tropical beaches - white, soft, meticulous sand, and tri-colored blue water that is crystal clear. 

Once you live in South Florida, you get spoiled when it comes to beaches. 

And although I'm beyond happy to be living back in the Northeast, I'm also beyond happy for the 20 years I spent living in Florida. Particularly my time at the beach, roasting in the sunshine. I know this is hard to believe, but I used to be a big-time beach bunny, always working on my tan. However, now, I'm the color of a marshmallow, forever working on repairing those 20 years of sun damage. LOL!


One of my jobs was front desk concierge at a gorgeous hotel in Boca, along the intercoastal waterway. Back when I worked there (early 80s), it was called, The Boca Raton Bridge Hotel (opened in 1976), which is located next to the bridge that leads you across the intercoastal waterway to State Road A1A and the beach. 

Originally, the hotel was privately owned by an Italian gentleman (Richard Dinallo) who was from New Jersey. But then in 2014, Hilton purchased it and changed the name to Waterstone Resort & Marina

I clearly remember Mr. Dinallo being a man of few words. Yet, I could tell he had a very kind heart. He just didn't like to talk much. He had a stunning home (mansion) directly on the Boca beach but also had a room (suite) in the hotel. I can still recall his gruffy cigarette voice whenever he walked through the lobby and passed my desk. For some reason, he liked to call me Ronnie

He: "Ronnie, do I have any messages?"

Me: "No, Mr. Dinallo. No messages."

He: "Thank you, Ronnie!"

And then up to his room, he would go.


I would like to interject here and give you some history of how I got this concierge job, which is rather personal. So, shhhhhhh, please don't tell anyone, okay?

I had been working at a different hotel as a concierge when one day the manager of The Bridge Hotel came in to inquire if we could accommodate an overbooking at his hotel. He asked if we had available rooms for the next three days. Which we did. So I booked them. He thanked me and left.

About an hour later the front desk phone rang, so I picked it up. And guess what? It was the manager of The Bridge Hotel who thanked me for the accommodations and then asked me if I would be interested in coming to work for him at his hotel.  

Two things:

1) I knew he was sincere about the job offer, which made me extremely happy because it would mean a step up in my hotel career.  

2) I also sensed that he wanted to get to *know me better* because he was very flirty with me while he was at my hotel. But in all honesty, I was flirty with him too.

To make a long story short, I took the job, which eventually turned into the two of us dating and working together. I was apprehensive at first because I knew you shouldn't mix business with pleasure. However, we never allowed our dating to interfere with our working relationship.

Eventually, we both moved on to different jobs and amicably parted ways.

Later on in my job journey, I once again tried dating someone I worked with. But unfortunately, that didn't work out quite as amicably as the hotel manager. 

It taught me a lesson though. 

I NEVER dated anyone I worked with EVER again. 


About The Boca Raton Bridge Hotel -

Note: Boca Raton comes from the Spanish word boca, or mouth, which often describes an inlet, while Raton means literally, mouse. The term "mouse mouth" appeared on early maps, referring to hidden sharp-pointed rocks that gnawed or fretted ships' cables. 

Odd name for such a beautiful place, hu? 

Here is a photo of the Boca Raton inlet. Notice The Bridge Hotel to the left of the bridge. That's where I worked...

*(a view from the other side) 

As I look at these photographs, a smile comes to my face because I recall just how much I loved living in Florida all those years...

Pool area...

Twilight view...

Dining room...


And because I love all things vintage, I would like to conclude this post with some Boca Raton vintage images...

Have a terrific rest of your week, everyone! 


*all photos found online


  1. You're a man of many trades, Ron! I don't know whether I ever mentioned this but I too am a Libra! And what you said about mental stimulation is so damn true. If I could have a different job every year, I would love it. I love learning new stuff. My mother would sometimes get frustrated with me when I was in college because I changed my major three times. By the way, when is your birthday? Are you a Sept Libra or an Oct Libra? Mine is Sept 30th. So it's coming up!

    The photographs you shared of Boca Raton and the hotel make me want to pack a bag, book a flight, and spend a week there! No kidding, Boca and the hotel are WOW! Love those rooms! You're right, odd name for such a beautiful place.

    What job did the manager offer you at his hotel? I'm happy to read that you were able to work well together, and that it ended amicably without drama. It can be challenging having a work/personal relationship.

    I would be very interested in reading your list of the jobs you've had. So, I look forward to when you post them.

  2. Hey there, Daniel!

    OMG, you're a LIBRA too?!?!?! How fabulous is that! I know, isn't it the truth about us Libra's? We need to always keep learning something to stimulate our minds. And I'm not one for formal schooling. I would much rather jump into a job/career and then learn as I go. I have gone to various schools for different things. However, I don't think I really ever learned until I got out into the real world and began doing it.

    My birthday is October 2nd. Now get this, both my mother AND father were Libra's as well. My mother's birthday was September 26th and my father's was October 6th. Happy Pre-birthday to you!

    I know, isn't the hotel gorgeous? After it was sold, Hilton did some renovating, but as far as I can remember, the hotel looks almost identical to when I worked there.

    The manager offered me a concierge position with more money, plus the chance to move up in my position. At one point I was doing the night audit, working 11 PM to 7 AM.

    Yes, it can be challenging. Which is why I was hesitant to move forward with a personal relationship. However, we were both very cool about the whole thing.

    I started making a list about two days ago, but then got distracted. When I get the list completed, I may just post it here.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Daniel! Always great to read your comments. Have a superb rest of your week!


  3. Ron, after 20 years living in Florida, how long did it take you to get used to living in the Northeast? Did the cold winters bother you at first?

    I'm such a warm blooded person, so I would love living in Florida. Although, the hurricanes would concern me. Did you live anywhere else in Florida?

    I've heard of Boca Raton, but didn't know what the name meant. Very interesting. And I also didn't know it was part of Palm Beach County.

    I applaud you for having the courage to change jobs/careers. I'm not good with change, so changing jobs would scare me.

    Beautiful hotel! And that view of the inlet/waterway is incredible. The color of the water is glorious. I've never seen ocean water that color. It's turquoise!

  4. Hello there, Abby!

    By the time I left Florida, which was 2001, I was so over the heat and humidity that I couldn't WAIT to move back to the Northeast. I loved my time in Florida. Truly I did. But as I got older (in my 40s), I just couldn't take the heat anymore. I would rather be cold than hot.

    In the 20 years that I lived in Florida, I experienced five hurricanes. Some were severe, others were mild. After you live through several hurricanes, you get used to them. When you live in Florida, you always have canned goods, bottled water, batteries, lighters, and candles stored away for hurricane weather, which can go until November.

    Yes, Boca is part of Palm Beach County. Although it's still considered South Florida.

    You're absolutely correct! The water IS turquoise!!!! Have ever seen such a beautiful ocean color?

    Thanks for stopping by, Abby! Have a grrrrreat rest of your week!


  5. Dear god Ron, as long as I've known you, I keep learning more about your life that I never knew. You've done so many things and have had so many careers. I really admire that. I get bored too. I'm a Gemini (an air sign as well), so perhaps that's why? Come to think of it, one of my coworkers is a Gemini and she too gets restless and bored when things become too much the same.

    And listen to you about dating the MANAGER of that hotel while working there. You GO, boy! Woot! Woot! I loved reading how you both flirted with each other LOL! One time, and one time only, did I ever date a coworker. But it was right before he transferred to another office. So we technically worked for the same company but not the same office.

    The Bridge Hotel is positively gorgeous! I need to drive over to Boca one weekend and check it out. You're right, the beaches in Florida make you spoiled. They're beautiful. It's the color and clarity of the ocean water that always puts me in awe. I live on the gulf side, which is nice too. But not as nice as the ocean. I like the sound and movement of the ocean. My favorite time is as dusk. Florida has the best sunsets, don't they?

    Funtabulous post, Ron! xo

  6. OMG Ron, you are not going to believe this, but we are *hopefully* going to Boca on a business trip in February and staying at The Boca Raton (I see it in your vintage pictures)!!! Can you believe that? I am sooo excited because the area and resort look beyond faaaaaaabulous! I’m hoping it’s a similar experience to The Breakers, which was out of this world amazing. We haven’t been on one of these trips since March 2020 (there’s always a chance of cancellation, so that’s why it’s only hopeful).

    The photos look amazing of that area and I love how pretty the water looks. Being a concierge sounds so interesting. I think I’d like meeting guests from all over the world. You must have really impressed that guy to have him steal you away from the other hotel so quickly! But yeah, workplace romances can be trouble.

    I’d love to read about all your jobs/career paths. Mine would be pretty boring since I only had four! Two in retail and two at the same nonprofit.

    Thanks for such a timely post for me! XO

  7. OH MY GOD, that is tooooooooooooooo damn funny!!!! And no, I can't believe it!?!? However, you and I are so often "connected" that I should not be surprised at all! And do you know what's even more ironic? The whole time I was putting this post together, I was thinking, "Bijoux would LOVE South Florida (Boca Raton)" I kid you not!

    "and staying at The Boca Raton (I see it in your vintage pictures)!!! Can you believe that? I am sooo excited because the area and resort look beyond faaaaaaabulous."

    Okay, and that's even MORE ironic because that hotel "The Boca Raton Hotel and Club" was a short drive from where I lived in Boca. And not only that, but that's where I had my Senior prom party in 1974! You're gonna LOVE it. The architecture is absolutely gorgeous! And it's only minutes away from where I used to work (The Bridge Hotel). And February is the perfect time to go to Florida because the weather is perfect!

    " I think I’d like meeting guests from all over the world. You must have really impressed that guy to have him steal you away from the other hotel so quickly! But yeah, workplace romances can be trouble."

    I always wanted to work at a hotel because yes, you get to meet people from all over the world. Especially in a place like Florida, with so many tourists. The manager and I had an instant attraction, both professionally and personally. But it worked for us because we kept our professional and personal relationship separate. The hotel staff knew we were dating, yet it was no big deal.

    "That’s very interesting about the name. Bouche is French for mouth and Raton is rat. I love seeing the connections."

    Isn't that so cool? When I first discovered the meaning of Boca Raton, I was floored! The inlet resembled the mouth of a mouse!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend! And I so hope you get to visit Boca in February! If you ever have any questions about the area, don't hesitate to email me. Have a great rest of your week!


  8. Hola, Denise!

    "I'm a Gemini (an air sign as well), so perhaps that's why?"

    Yes you're right, Gemini is an air as well, which is why we "air" signs need mental stimulation and change. Most people don't like change, but I'm so used to it. And I've gotten more and more used to it the older I get. What's that saying...“There is nothing permanent except change.”

    "One time, and one time only, did I ever date a coworker. But it was right before he transferred to another office. So we technically worked for the same company but not the same office."

    It's the only time dating someone I worked with worked for me. Like I said, I tried doing that many years later with someone else and it was a catastrophe!#@&!

    I like the gulf coast as well. But as you said, it's the sound and movement of the ocean that REALLY attracts me to the ocean side.

    OMG me too! I love, love, love DUSK! And you're right, Florida has the most gorgeously dramatic sunsets. Have you ever been to the Southernmost point in Key West and witnessed a sunset? PHENOMENAL!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Denise! Have a fantabulous rest of your week!


  9. And I'm just the opposite, Ron. I would rather be hot than cold! I'm freezing at 60 degrees. Lol!

  10. Abby, you're not alone. Most people would rather be hot than cold.

    "I'm freezing at 60 degrees. Lol!'

    And I'm hot at 75 degrees! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ron, I think it's so cute that he called you RONNIE! He must have felt very comfortable (and happy) having you there in his hotel. OMG, he had a mansion on the beach?!? Did you ever go inside and look around?

    I've been to South Florida several times, but ever Boca Raton. The next time I go, I need to visit because it looks insanely beautiful. I thought the Miami beaches were gorgeous too. I love South Florida! Orlando is nice too, but it has a totally different vibe.

    I could definitely live in South Florida. Maybe some day! That photo of the inlet is breathtaking.

    I looked forward to reading your list of jobs, Ron!

  12. Morning, Candice!

    He had a gruffy exterior, yet I could tell he had a very sweet heart. I think he thought of me as a "son", so he was very kind to me. I liked that he called me Ronnie because I saw it as being "comfortable" with me.

    You are so right! Orlando has a totally different vibe. I don't know if you knew this, but I also lived Orlando because I was offered a job there. However, I didn't know if I would like it because I was so used to the South Florida vibe. But I REALLY ended up loving it.

    Florida overall, was a very good experience for me. A lot of growth and opportunities came from my 20 years in Florida. It was always feel like "home" to me. As well as the Northeast.

    I love that inlet photo as well!

    Much thanks for stopping by, Candice. Have a spectacular rest of your week!


  13. Holy cow! You had your prom at The Boca? That must have been something! I’ve been looking at their website and it looks like there are 4 or 5 different buildings. We won’t know where our room is till we get there, but everything looks quite grand to me. We will know for sure if trip is on by December, so I will let you know via email. So excited! And yes, you, me and Kari have some sort of cosmic connection! XO

  14. Yup, and it was fabulous! And you are correct, there are 4-5 different buildings. My prom was held in the main building (ground floor). There is also the (pink) tower, which is where the main hotel is. My parents stayed there one time, so I got to visit not only the rooms, but the outside area where the pool is. GORGEOUS!

    Yes, feel free to contact me via email about your plans.

    "you, me and Kari have some sort of cosmic connection! "

    You got that right. We most certainly do!


  15. I love everything about this. I love that you dedicated this to Bijoux, and I love that Bijoux will be visiting there in February; there are so many coincidences.
    I also appreciate the variety of jobs you've held throughout your career. You've had such an interesting life! I enjoy learning more and more about you. Promise you'll never stop sharing these things with us?
    I've never been to Boca Raton before, but I want so badly to go! It's beautiful, and the hotel is absolutely stunning. I can see why people would want to stay there. This is true paradise.

    Have a wonderful rest of your week, my dear friend! 😘❤️

  16. Enjoyed reading about Boca Raton and one of your previous job, Ron, and while the current photos were fabulous, it's the vintage ones that were my favorite. I've only been in various parts of FL a few times and honestly never thought it is a state I would want to live or work in. Glad your experience was such a memorable one in many ways.

    It was ironic that you dedicated this post to Bijoux and then she later shared that she will be at this same place by the end of the year!

  17. Hey there, Kari!

    It's so ironic because I was thinking of her the whole time I was constructing this post, so I decided to dedicate it to her because I know how much she adores warm weather and sunshine. And isn't it funny how she is actually going to be visiting Boca in February?!?!

    And she is right, you, she, and me have some sort of cosmic connection! Isn't that fabulous?

    "I've never been to Boca Raton before, but I want so badly to go! It's beautiful, and the hotel is absolutely stunning. I can see why people would want to stay there. This is true paradise."

    When my family moved to Boca in 1973, no one had even heard of Boca Raton. They all said, "You're moving WHERE?!?" But little by little Boca became a very popular place to live and/or visit. I'm so glad my father decided to move the family to Florida because at that time in my life I needed a change. And once there, my WHOLE life changed!

    Thanks so much for stopping by, dear friend! Always a happy moment to read your comments!

    Have a fabuloso rest of your week!

  18. Helloooooooooooo there, D!

    I TOO love the vintage ones especially! But then again, I love anything that's vintage.

    " I've only been in various parts of FL a few times and honestly never thought it is a state I would want to live or work in. Glad your experience was such a memorable one in many ways."

    My family visited Florida (Miami) one summer, and when we got home, I BEGGED my father to move us there. He was a self-employed man (real estate) and was very successful. So, the thought of moving somewhere and not knowing what he would do scared him. However, just at that time CONDO'S where the thing. So he took a chance and moved to Florida in the hopes of getting in the condo business. He built his own condo development in Delray Beach and it ended up being VERY successful

    Florida (particularly now in the media) gets a negative rap. However, I lived there for 20 year and never had a negative "State" experience. On the contrary, I found Florida to be a very open-minded and easy to live State.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, D! Have a terrific rest of your week!


  19. Yes, I have Ron! And you're right, the sunsets at the Southernmost point are PHENOMENAL! And I love that you can see the island of Cuba from that point!

  20. I know! The first time I was there, I said to someone I was with, "What is that in the distance?" They said, "Cuba!"

    That's another place I would like to visit one day. I know it's notorious for crime and all, but I still think it's a beautiful island frozen in time!

  21. Ron, I have visited my uncle who lives in Boynton Beach, so I am very familiar with Boca. I've had lunch/dinner there several times. It's beautiful. Do you know Mizner Park? I've shopped there as well. I enjoyed my time visiting Florida, but I don't think I could live there. I enjoy the change of season too much. I like to go to Florida in February, when it's freezing here.

    Love the vintage photos!

    I enjoy reading about your various jobs.

  22. Morning, Clair!

    Yes, I absolutely know Mizner Park! I love that shopping center! And I am also familiar with Boynton Beach.

    "I enjoyed my time visiting Florida, but I don't think I could live there. I enjoy the change of season too much. I like to go to Florida in February, when it's freezing here."

    I understand your feelings because that's how I feel too. As I shared, I loved my time in Florida and have fond memories. However, after 20 years, I longed for the seasons. I also got tired of the constant heat and humidity. You're right, Feb is the perfect time to go because it's not too hot. It's kind of like spring here in the Northeast.

    Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a great rest of your week!


  23. Ron, I can see where you'd love working in an exquisite place like this -- Libras do love opulence, don't they?! Seriously, I know what you mean about the variety of jobs. I'm a Virgo, but I must have Libra pretty prominent in my chart, for I, too, have had my nomad ways!

    Those beach views are so striking! Almost makes me long for the Mississippi Gulf Coast, with its table sugar-white beaches. Almost, you know, because I dread the idea of hurricanes and all the destruction they can bring.

    Have a fabulous weekend -- here's hoping Fall brings you some cooler, less humid weather! xx

  24. Helloooooo there, Debbie!

    " Libras do love opulence, don't they?! "

    Libra, (and Taurus), are ruled by Venus, which is the sign of beauty. So, yes, they love all things beautiful. And you will often find them in occupations that have to do with interior design, art, styling, architecture, and beauty.

    "Seriously, I know what you mean about the variety of jobs. I'm a Virgo, but I must have Libra pretty prominent in my chart, for I, too, have had my nomad ways!"

    You too?!?! That's awesome! And you're right, it could be that you have Libra (or another "air" sign) in your chart.

    "Almost, you know, because I dread the idea of hurricanes and all the destruction they can bring."

    OMG, yes! That's the other side of coin to living close to the water. They are not the best place to be such a hurricane arrive. I went through FIVE hurricanes during my time in Florida.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, my friend. Have a faaaaaabulous weekend! We are getting a lot of rain Sat and Sun. But I don't mind because it's so much cooler!


  25. My husband was sometimes called Ronnie. I always use Ron, but we used Ronnie for our son for years. Some would say Ron Jr., but he's not a Jr, and a couple maybe said big Ron, little Ron. Now that he's older, I mostly call him Ron but when talking of him to others I'll say Ronnie. I knew a couple guys in high school continued to use Ronnie as adults. My son doesn't seem to mind either.
    Wow, that many jobs, eh!? Can't wait to hear of them all. I've had various ones, mostly p/t, and never had a career so if anyone asks... what do you do... uh... ? Tempted to say 'Domestic Goddess' or 'Crafter Extraordinaire' haha!! One job I had 2 days and quit. Another I was fired after a few months or so. The one I got to do art with little kids was probably the best. Think I always just wanted to be home though. Even after my own children grew up, and moved out, still preferred being home.
    I know you enjoyed your years in Florida!! Working in Boca Raton must have been lovely! Very nice hotel! Occasionally, I still think I'd like to do trip down and see a few beaches (even though I'm not a beach person) and other things. There is a cute little art deco hotel that caught my eye one time I was doing some travel research. Maybe in Miami?
    Loved the little tidbit about how you got that job. Work romances probably don't work out much more often than not.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Ron! Even with the wind and rain, it's still better than hellish heat, humidity, and mosquitos. LOL
    M xo

  26. "My husband was sometimes called Ronnie."

    That's right, your husband is Ron as well! And like him, some people call me Ron, Ronnie, and even Ronaldo! I don't mind either.

    "Tempted to say 'Domestic Goddess' or 'Crafter Extraordinaire' haha!! "

    CRACKED. ME. UP! But it's true, you are those titles! I think many women (from my generation - Baby Boomer) didn't work, they were stay-at-homes moms. But in my opinion that was a job (and a hard one at that) because they had to do many things (take care of the kids, cook, clean, and take care of the home). With men, they just had to go to work. Being a mom is hard work.

    I'm no longer a beach person either. That is, unless, it's during the fall and winter months. I LOVE how the beach looks on gray, misty, cloudy days. And yet, when I lived in Florida, I was SUCH sun and beach person.

    Yes, sounds like Miami because Miami has a really cool art deco feel to it.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and catching up on my posts, my friend. I really appreciate that!

    "Even with the wind and rain, it's still better than hellish heat, humidity, and mosquitos. LOL"

    I TOTALLY agree! I honestly don't mind the weather we're getting this weekend!



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