Monday Link Encyclopedia 

So it’s not Wednesday, eh? 😁

A brave blogger enters into a Twitter war with clueless Steinerites

Great news! Research as Second Language is out of retirement to take on the ridiculous Marcy sexual harassment case. This is the same blog that took apart the vicious persecution of Tim Hunt a while back. 

I was always against charters but when I read stupid shit like this, I have to struggle not to change my mind. 

short but hilarious post about the human rights of students. 

Even more hilarity: “There is absolutely nothing easy about pursuing a graduate degree.  Long hours of sustained reading, writing, and thinking, coupled with the regular challenges of our everyday lives, can often lead to exhaustion, frustration, and burnout.” If reading and thinking are such exhausting activities, why doesn’t this person simply look for a different career?

And a great post that makes fun of a stupid article on menopause.

Ukrainians are desperate for Hillary to win. The text is in Russian but see the beautiful photos. 

5 thoughts on “Monday Link Encyclopedia 

  1. cliff, do you have any thoughts on Poland’s direction? Here is written (in Russian) re full prohibition of abortions:

    Десять месяцев назад большинство получила консервативная партия “Право и справедливость” Ярослава Качиньского и начала ковать скрепы в усиленном режиме. В итоге позавчера Сейм в первом чтении одобрил законопроект о полном запрете абортов.

    Там и про переписывание истории, и про исключительность и вообще. И даже про Волынскую резню. Все как у людей, в общем.


  2. Bomb attacks hit a mosque and a congress centre in the eastern German city of Dresden, police said on Tuesday, adding that they suspected a xenophobic and nationalist motive.

    “We also suspect a connection with celebrations next weekend for the Day of German Unity” on Monday, October 3rd.

    Dresden in Germany’s ex-communist east is the birthplace of the Pegida street movement, short for Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident.

    Dresden next Monday hosts national celebrations to mark 26 years since the reunification of East and West Germany, to be attended by Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Joachim Gauck.

    In an annual report outlining progress since reunification, the government warned last week that growing xenophobia and right-wing extremism could threaten peace in eastern Germany.


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