Friday, May 22, 2020

Enough, enough, enough...

Is every human being on this planet now a hero?

Graduations, birthdays and weddings can't be
as planned this year. Boo-Hoo.

Sometimes life sucks. Deal with it. Move on.


Doom said...

Which is why I consider only those who die fighting while saving others to be heroes. Not the sort of bragging rights a man will carry. Sure, their are some who survive, but I call them potential, future, heroes. It depends on what they do with the rest of their life. And really only can be called after the die. It means people can't sell their grace for cheap.

Joe said...

I’m trying to understand why someone is a hero just for doing their job? Didn’t doctors and nurses choose to take care of sick people?

Jean said...

As much as I admire healthcare workers, teachers, trash collectors, factory workers etc., that's my thinking, too.

"Hero" is going to become a meaningless word.

Society is making tradgedies out of every situation. Missing a graduation ceremony, birthday party? C'mon people.