In Performance: Telly Leung and Jennifer Lim of ‘The World of Extreme Happiness’


In Performance | Leung and Lim

Telly Leung and Jennifer Lim in a scene from Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig’s play “The World of Extreme Happiness,” at the City Center Stage I through March 29.

By Erik Piepenburg and Erik Braund on Publish Date March 22, 2015.

This week’s video features the actors Telly Leung and Jennifer Lim in a scene from Frances Ya-Chu Cowhig’s “The World of Extreme Happiness,” a drama set in contemporary China. In this scene, Pete (Mr. Leung) and his sister Sunny (Ms. Lim) play a video game while discussing the perils of city living. The show, directed by Eric Ting, runs through Sunday at the City Center Stage I.

Recent theater videos in this series include two jazz standards from T. Oliver Reid’s show “Drop Me Off in Harlem” and a scene with Christina Bianco of “Application Pending”.

Coming soon: a song from Lena Hall.

Correction: April 6, 2015
An earlier version of the headline on this post misstated the show's title. As the post correctly notes, it is "The World of Extreme Happiness," not "The Extreme World of Happiness."