!! OMG, woman spews homophobic slurs on livestream and outs closeted gay men, is found dead soon after !!

“And I OOP” is an understatement when it comes to this ripe new caper!

A woman who attempted to blackmail two apparently closeted gay men for $5,000 was murdered a short time later in Indianapolis, leading to speculation that they were somehow involved in her death.

Jane Waughfield, 40, recorded a Facebook Live video (below) on Monday after she said she discovered the two men having sex. She said she had gone to one of their homes because she had business with him, adding that she hooked up with him a few years ago.

In the Facebook live video, which is laced with homophobic rhetoric, she said she offered to keep the men’s sexuality secret if they sent her $5,000 through CashApp. She also said she feared for her life.

Waughfield was found dead after a shooting and motor-vehicle crash on Tuesday morning.

So sad from all angles. Sad that this woman felt the need to project such hate and homophobia, and sad that the shame of the two men could have led them to end a life. Discrimination and hate never end well.

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10 Comments on "OMG, woman spews homophobic slurs on livestream and outs closeted gay men, is found dead soon after"

  1. i heard the N word a dozen times and never got to the homo stuff.
    she who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

  2. she was probably talking when she got shot.

  3. “In the Facebook live video, which is laced with homophobic rhetoric, she said she offered to keep the men’s sexuality secret if they sent her $5,000 through CashApp. She also said she feared for her life.”

    Perhaps if she hadn’t tried to blackmail them and not have been so damn homophobic towards them, or gay men in general, then perhaps she wouldn’t have had to fear for her life. She could’ve just walked away and said nothing. Instead she tried to profit off their secret affair and now she’s dead. And those men are possibly in more trouble than they were with just keeping their affair secret.

  4. As hateful as she sounds, other sources are saying she was the jilted lover of Jamal. So she wasn’t some random homophobe, but one of the guys was in a relationship with her and DL with him. No exonerations here though….

  5. Just watched the video. It’s hard to believe a human being could be any more low-class or trashy.

  6. Whoa! That sentence near the end implies the guilt of two innocent men. They are not guilty until a jury of their peers says so. Nothing like libel to bias a case….so sad.

  7. Sorry. Not sorry.

  8. she’s an embarrassment in so many ways. sorry but no loss to society.

  9. Fuck her! She died like the fuckin dog that she was. No mercy for those who preach hate towards gays.

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