Sunday, July 12, 2020

free range hens lay more eggs

Researchers at the University of New England have confirmed that free range hens are more productive and lay more eggs, compared with hens kept in cages or locked in sheds. They found that ranging hens produce more eggs not only because they range, but because they seem to have a more vigorous approach to life. The academics confirmed knowledge gained by free range farmers everywhere. The research seems to suggest that even hens kept in intensive conditions on dodgy free range laying facilities with 10,000 hens per hectare lay more eggs. The University of New England researchers, led by Dr Isabelle Ruhnke tracked over15,000 hens on five production sheds from the time a flock was placed at16 weeks old to when they were removed at 74 weeks of age. The researchers said the first major finding to emerge from the resulting data was that those hens who preferred to range outside began laying earlier. They also produced about 15 percent more eggs at 22 weeks of age than those who prefer to stay inside. For the intensive operations, the increased output can translate to hundreds of thousands of dollars in extra revenue each year. Part of the reason for bigger profits is that feed costs are reduced. Feed represents up to 70 percent of the cost of egg production and when hens are confined they are only able eat feed available in the shed, but when outside they can also eat their natural diet of other seeds, grasses and insects. To see how a real free range farm operates, check out the freeranger Eggs website

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