The Meme Answers

The winner is. . . Drumroll. . . πŸ­πŸ¬πŸΉπŸŽ‚πŸ˜πŸŒ·πŸ’πŸŒ» 

Almost 40!!!

Congratulations! I don’t know who you are but you know me extremely well. It’s creepy.

Here are the answers:

1. I’m busy planning my wedding to the man of my dreams.

True. N and I want a wedding. I want a church wedding but N is an agnostic which means he takes religion more seriously than religious people.

2. The name I use to refer to myself in my own mind is El.

True. I have no idea why but it’s been like this forever.

3. I got baptized last year.

False. I haven’t been baptized yet. 

4. I met my husband online.

True. He fell in love with my texts long before he saw me. 

5. I kept ladybugs as pets when I was a kid.

True. I was plenty weird. 

6. My best friend voted for Trump.

False. But I’d love her just the same if she did. There’s literally nothing she can do to get rid of me. 

7. I haven’t looked up any of my exes on Facebook, not even my ex-husband.

True. I’m not curious.

8. I have never seen an episode of the Game of Thrones.

True. As always, I’m behind the curve. 

9. My favorite place on this continent is Washington DC.

True. Washington left Montreal in the dust for me. I’d so love to live there. 

10. I’m seeing my psychoanalyst on Fridays.

True. I’ve recently gone back because I need help with grieving.

2 thoughts on “The Meme Answers

  1. Woo-hoo! But I don’t think I know you all that well: I thought I remembered reading that you’re Jewish, or identify as such. Everything else seemed plausible to me, minus the best friend. Not because you’d unfriend someone for voting for Trump but because of who you’d choose as a best friend to begin with, if that makes sense.

    Also, I too got married but didn’t have a wedding and sometimes regret it. I also wish I was seeing a psychoanalyst. I hope yours helps you find solace.


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