Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Laughter will help your companies bottom line

Laughter positively affects all aspects of being. Studies show that it is a legitimate and powerful form of preventive medicine, and a complementary option to other established therapeutic strategies for physiological, mental, and emotional health, and more. Physiological benefits: laughter is a therapeutic ally in healing and a valuable form of preventive and complementary medicine. It provides important natural defences against illness. 

Mental benefits: laughter diffuses bad stress, enhances problem-solving skills, and creates a new perspective. 
Emotional benefits: laughter elevates moods, counteracts depression symptoms. Social benefits: laughter fosters better communication, and improves cooperation and empathy between people. It is a significant lubricant of human communication and relationships. 
Spiritual well-being: choosing to laugh and be positive teaches us to choose to live and be at peace with others, with our self and with our environment in our current situation. It helps us build resilience to stress and find meaning in life. 

The essence is summarized in the following question: “What can I do now to improve my life/work/situation/company with a positive attitude?”

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