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How to Set Price Alerts for Amazon Prime Big Deal Days

Resist Amazon's price manipulation tactics by choosing the maximum you want to spend.
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How to Set Price Alerts for Amazon Prime Big Deal Days
Credit: Elpisterra - Shutterstock

I hate to admit it, but I’m an impulse-buyer (with closets full of little electronic gadgets to prove it). Shopping events like Amazon’s Prime Big Deal Days are bad for me. Even though I know Amazon is using all kinds of nefarious manipulation techniques to get me to buy things I don’t need, it still works—I even made an Amazon impulse purchase while researching an article about how you shouldn’t impulse buy on Amazon. But this year, I’m going to resist my worst impulses by setting my own prices, and only choosing things I already wanted to buy before Amazon’s big day.

How to “set your own prices” on Amazon

Obviously you can’t make Amazon lower their prices at your whim, but you can set up an alert system to let you know if anything you want to buy dips in price enough for it to make sense for you to purchase. It’s super easy to do too. Below is a step-by-step guide to setting your own personal maximim price for any item sold by Amazon:

  • Identify the items you’d like to purchase and throw them into your Amazon wishlist. Make sure your wishlist is set to “public.”

  • Visit the Amazon price tracking website CamelCamelCamel and make a free account.

  • Click “import wishlist.” (You’ll have to copy and paste the URL from your Amazon wishlist.)

  • Once you’ve done that, CamelCamelCamel lets you add specific maximum prices (or percentage drops) for everything in your wishlist. Enter the maximum amount you’re willing to pay for each item in your list, and then you can tell it to send you an email when any item’s price drops to your set spending limit.

  • Ignore all the Prime Big Deal Days hype and wait for the email alert letting you know that your chosen items have become cheap enough for you to buy.

  • Spend the day feeling smug and agree with yourself that you actually are the smartest person alive. Don’t even look at Amazon’s website. Seriously. Well, maybe just for a second. This time you’ll have the will power to avoid buying another chocolate fountain or a self-stirring mug with “SELF STIRRING MUG” written on the side, right?