How to pack for business and leisure – my Asian adventures


Packing for both business and pleasure is often seen as difficult – I solve the problem by using different packing cells for the 2 different parts. One for business, one for leisure.

One or 2 items may belong both bags, in this instance, it’s a white T-shirt that, once the 5-day business meeting is over, it will be moved into my leisure cell for the month-long exploration in SE Asia at cheap and cheerful destinations and accommodations.

My travel is in Southeast Asia, so will have the extreme heat of July and August, and I suspect, the over-cold meeting rooms in the hotel. This just seems to be what they do in Asia – overcompensating for the heat.

I’m taking 2 pieces of luggage, my trusty red suitcase in the hold, and a daypack no. The suitcase will be left behind in Hong Kong with all my business stuff in it, while the backpack will be my luggage for Taiwan, Cambodia, and Vietnam. My red suitcase will be about 10kg max. (22 lb) while my backpack will be under the regulation 7kg. (15lb). What

carry-on luggage

It’s always a treat to just have carry-on luggage when travelling – no waiting at the luggage carousel for my red case to appear. I will also use my backpack as my carry-on luggage when I leave New Zealand for Hong Kong. It will contain vital business papers, my camera and tablet, as well as medication, Kobo e-reader and phone.

So what are in those cells? Two trouser suits – a white one with 2 tops to wear with it, and a yellow one with the white T-shirt. So over the 5 days of work, I have 3 different outfits, so one will be repeated, and if I decide to, I could wear my black travel trousers with one of the tops. One pair of black shoes will accompany them all :-).

business clothes cell

All these will remain in HK storage when I leave for Vietnam, Cambodia then onto Taiwan, before returning to Hong Kong for a couple of days and pick up my red suitcase, and go home to New Zealand’s late winter weather – and where my daughter will meet me at the airport with a warm coat 🙂

My red leisure cell contains a long sundress, a loose pair of trousers, 3 tops and my trusty Teva’s while the blue one has underwear, swimming costume, and nightwear. So that’s how I pack for a combined trip that is both official and laid-back – very different needs clothes-wise

I hope this helps you keep your clothes to the minimum -after all, we don’t have to dress to impress when we’re on holiday, you will, mostly, see a person only once, so even if you are in the same clothes daily, most of them would not even notice. We, humans, are pretty self-centred and concentrate on ourselves.


I’m given a very small umbrella for sun protection
ready for the airport

Author: Heather - the kiwi travel writer

Nomadic travel-writer, photographer, author & blogger. See more on and Amazon for my books (heather hapeta)

3 thoughts on “How to pack for business and leisure – my Asian adventures”

  1. Thanks Heather – so useful to have as lots of good ideas. Have a wonderful trip . I see Sujata Massey has written another book ( just thinking of your kindle reading ). Take care Teresa

    On Fri, 5 Jul 2019 at 7:16 AM, Kiwi Travel Writer talks food, travel, and tips wrote:

    > Heather – the kiwi travel writer posted: ” Packing for both business and > pleasure is often seen as difficult – I solve the problem by using > different packing cells for the 2 different parts. One for business, one > for leisure. One or 2 items may belong both bags, in this instance, ” >

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing. A little day pack for weeks of touring is amazing! I just got back from several weeks in SE Asia, and prompted by my husband forgetting my suitcase at home, I travelled super-light, and simply bought the essentials I needed. Shopping the markets, I got a couple sun dresses, a couple t-shirts, and a pair of “elephant” pants for about $30. On the strength of that, I say take one change of clothes, and outfit yourself on your travels!

    Liked by 1 person

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