03 August 2020

Channeling the Itch to Travel

Due to the pandemic, travel hasn't been easy. I had grandiose plans of going to far-flung places, yet that had to be on hold. I actually was planning on spending three weeks in Uzbekistan back in April, for example. Obviously, that didn't materialise. So at this point, my long weekend vacation in Paris was the last time I have exited the German border. So yes, there is the itch to move about and explore new places. And it seems that even though I haven't been travelling internationally at this point, I have been doing alternative activities.

I have made use of my hiking boots and started fully exploring Brandenburg when I have the chance. Ever since the beginning of May, I used the trains and went all over the place. I have finished the 66-Lakes-Trail, and have discovered several useful resources when it comes to planning hikes, so I have been exploring my neighbourhood. And while until last year I have only been doing one day trip per weekend, nowadays, I have built my endurance enough that I could do 2 days back to back of 20 kilometres each.

I learned how to read GPS data. I found an app that allows me to read a set of GPS tracks I have downloaded online, and plot it in order to navigate my way. And yeah, my boots are getting well used again this year.

Heck, I even educated myself about tic-borne diseases, so that I can prevent an infection.

So yes, I might not be able to travel internationally, but I am definitely satisfying my itchy feet in many different ways this year.