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business, entrepreneurship, startups

Different Business: The Future’s Bright

Not wanting to start this article on a down note but the current economic climate in the UK is grim. The 2011 riots were a sign that something is fundamentally wrong in this country. Students are not finding work and experienced professionals are being made redundant. These two sets of people meet in the middle to fight for the scraps. The banks brag that they have sexy bank accounts and then turn down entrepreneurs who are there to create jobs. Finally there is light at the end of the tunnel…a bright orange light.

Orange are proud to support different businesses all over the country – now, they’re looking for the UK’s next different business. If you’ve got a fresh idea, why not tell Orange all about it and you could win a year’s backing and support to make it happen!

Seth Godin has always pushed the idea of being remarkable, most prominently in his unmissable book Purple Cow. Orange understand this because they’ve always been different. Launching in 1994 into a competitive market, great ideas have punctuated their history, from being the first mobile company to charge calls by the second, to offering something entirely different like 2 for 1 cinema tickets and pizza deals, Orange fully understand the importance of standing out and leaving the competition playing catch-up. They are giving you the chance to follow in their footsteps.

All you have to do is tell them about your innovative new idea and you could become the UK’s next different business.

But before you pitch your idea, take a look at what those judges are looking for in a successful entry…

•  a business or project that is different
•  a different approach to running the business
•  a robust business model
•  a clear strategy for the project/business
•  evidence of a market for the project/business
•  a pitch that demonstrates the applicant has the necessary skills to succeed
•  an idea that is worth funding and could be the UK’s next different business

•  business planning advice and mentoring from Kingston Smith
•  mobile communications devices and plans from Orange
•  marketing consultancy from Publicis Chemistry
•  legal advice from Lewis Silkin
•  investment capital

All worth up to £200,000!

Go to the Win Your Business website to enter.

As a young business person, I have tried and failed to get funding from the banks and see ‘Different Business’ as being a really good option to secure funding. Startups are crucial for the economy. Every major brand started out as one but a lot of people with money fail to see this and think they have magically appeared together with their Canary Wharf towers. Hopefully there will be a new wave of entrepreneurs that spark a revolution, bring new ideas, work practices and create new work environments.

I will be entering with my business idea OriginofCool.com – a site that brings readers the birth of cool in locations around the world. I have built up a team of trend spotters (known as “Cool Connoisseurs”) located in different countries to report on technology, art, geek and design news. This will become a fundamental source of information for architects, media professionals, designers amongest others. There are so many more ideas to come so keep your eyes on the site.

So get involved and follow your dreams…

The future may be bright with Orange, but it could be even brighter with these halogen bulbs from lyco.co.uk!
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About David Lowe

Founder / editor at Origin of Cool (www.originofcool.com) and World Sport Bloopers (http://www.worldsportbloopers.com). Talk to me about building online communities, social media, online advertising and cool stuff. Love ping pong!


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