
ICYMI: Animals can communicate better than we'd realized

Although a kick from a horse speaks pretty clearly too.

Today on In Case You Missed It: We are adding horses to the list of animals who can communicate via some form of symbolic language, now that researchers taught a group of horses how to understand three symbols related to whether they wanted a blanket covering on or not. With that, horses, primates, dolphins and birds can all communicate with us -- and suddenly old masterpieces like Mister Ed and The Birds have a whole new significance.

Meanwhile Adidas is showcasing its new shoes made in a mostly robotic factory. That and the news about the purported Michelle Obama passport hacking would be great brunch conversation starters, though we also recommend reading up on the US government's plan to address climate change with an open source, information sharing plan.

The study about fish singing at dawn is here, fyi. As always, please share any interesting tech or science videos you find by using the #ICYMI hashtag on Twitter for @mskerryd.