Not The Onion: DePaul Bans Ben Shapiro From Speaking On What?

You can’t make this stuff up.

Twitchy is reporting that Ben Shaprio has been banned from speaking at DePaul University on the subject of…wait for it…intolerance on campus.


Seems Ben Shapiro has been banned by DePaul University from speaking about … campus tolerance.

No, we’re not making that up … because nothing says tolerance like banning speech.

Looks like he’s planning on showing up anyway. That could make for some great YouTube content.

The event is sponsored by the DePaul chapter of Young Americans for Freedom. They issued the following statement.

Despite having no apparent problem hosting prominent leftists in the past, DePaul University is working to obstruct DePaul Young Americans for Freedom’s scheduled lecture with Christina Hoff Sommers, after the chapter announced Ben Shapiro was slated to make a guest appearance.

To great media criticism DePaul banned YAF from hosting Ben Shapiro in August. In response DePaul YAF, Young America’s Foundation, and Shapiro decided the campus needed his message and planned to host him alongside Sommers in order to make a powerful statement about the importance of ideological diversity.

As of Tuesday morning, DePaul administrators were actively working to prevent students from hearing Shapiro’s message on campus that evening.

DePaul YAF, Young America’s Foundation, and Shapiro are exploring all options to ensure interested students at DePaul have the opportunity to hear from Sommers and Shapiro despite their school’s objections.


Ironically, the ban is a result of the DePaul student body’s history of being intolerant of certain people and ideas.

DePaul’s Vice President of Facilities, Bob Janis, issued the ban in August, telling YAF students that they could not host the author and radio show personality. He said this decision was based on an experience with the provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos — whose detractors shouted down and attacked speakers. DePaul’s modest security forces simply could not handle the ensuing chaos.

DePaul’s former President was forced to resign after he failed to “adequately apologize” to the student body for allowing an opposing viewpoint on campus –and after Yiannopolous threatened DePaul with a lawsuit for failing to protect him, despite requiring him to pay for additional security.

Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time,” Janis wrote.

If DePaul’s students can’t listen to a speaker with whom they disagree without becoming security risks, perhaps DePaul should require psychological evaluations as part of the admissions process. Either that or they should fire any faculty who encourage this nonsense.



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