04 PM | 22 Mar

Viktoria Modesta – #Prototype #Video [#geekgirl]

Channel 4 introduces Viktoria Modesta, the world’s first amputee pop artist. Make sure you stick around for the amazing spike dance at the end. Created by 4creative, directed by Saam Farahmand.

‘Bionic’ pop artist heading to Brisbane

A visionary performance artist who has designed her own prosthetic limbs will visit Australia for the first time to share her approach to the body as art courtesy of QUT and the World Science Festival Brisbane (#WSFB2019). Weekend of 23rd to 24th of March.

Latvian-born Viktoria Modesta is often labelled the world’s first widely known amputee pop artist. She had her left leg amputated below the knee at the age of 20 after years of problems resulting from damage caused during her birth.

The decision to do so was hers and she says it freed her up to take control of her body and pursue her creative and musical ambitions.

Modesta calls herself a ‘bionic artist’ and has since taken the world by storm with work she describes as post-human and post-disability, bridging performance art, music and fashion with technology, science and medicine.

Following her performance as the Snow Queen in the closing ceremony of the London Paralympics 2012 wearing a diamond encrusted prosthetic, she teamed up with the Alternative Limb Project to help design a series of prosthetics that she wore in a 2014 UK Channel 4 video collaboration titled Prototype which has had more than 11 million views on YouTube.

Her various prosthetic limbs, which include a jet-black spike, a stereo leg with built-in speaker and another with embedded LEDS to create a light show, are a perfect fusion of fashion, art and functionality.

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