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Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 10:54 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Yesterday was Saint George's Day and NME selected 'Seven apposite songs' for the day, including
Kate Bush – Wuthering Heights
Bush Does Brontë! Yes, here was one female English genius being inspired by the work of another, setting her mystifying, mercurial debut single on the Yorkshire Moors, wild national treasures that remain today, as they were in Brontë’s day, a symbol of the bleakness and brutality of the English countryside. Oh, no, wait, some twats with disposable barbecues burned them down over the weekend.
Most English moment: “Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy/I’ve come home, I’m so cold,” cos it’s cold up north (when there aren’t two raging moorland infernos). (Dan Stubbs)
It was also World Book Day. Código Nuevo (Spain) recommended Wuthering Heights for those who think that classics are not for them.
Para anti-clásicos
Es verdad que la lectura de clásicos está algo olvidada. Se ha generado una especie de rechazo hacia este género porque, en muchas ocasiones, nos han obligado a leerlos y leer por obligación sembrará cierta negación. Es así. Por suerte, nunca es tarde para retomar estas lecturas donde la selección de libros, además, puede ser larguísima. Para dar visibilidad a las mujeres escritoras han decidido recomendarnos Emily Brontë y su libro Cumbres borrascosas. (Guillermina Torresi) (Translation)
Magisterio (Spain) shares a few tips for getting young people reading.
A los adolescentes, para quienes escribe y a quienes ha dado clase, les suele recomendar los libros que le influyeron con su edad: “Me marcó conocer a las hermanas Brontë, y concretamente dos títulos, Jane Eyre y Cumbres borrascosas, que conectan fenomenal con un lector joven. (Saray Marqués) (Translation)
A contributor to SBS (Australia) writes about how 'reading opened up worlds' for her.
For me it was Anne Rice’s world of bloodsucking vampires, Emma Harte’s rise to ruling a business empire and dreamy Anne of Green Gables. I related to Elizabeth Bennett’s trail of uninspiring suitors, Jane Eyre’s loneliness, willingly drifted off into Tolkien’s Middle Earth and pondered the Meaning of Life with Dostoevsky. I developed a feminist consciousness with Simone de Beauvoir and later transformed that consciousness with the works of feminists of colour like bell hooks. Reading shaped a way of looking at the world as filled with nuance and endless possibility, full of histories and meaning, and a myriad of ways of living and seeing. (Sarah Malik)
The Stranger features
Women.Weed.Wifi, the all-womxn of color collective of artists, healers, and community organizers who educate and heal through cannabis, is on a similar wave. The collective has set up their Sanctuary of the Modern Divine Feminine in Mount Analogue for the Space Residency program for the month of April, transforming the space into a giant Spice Girls World Tour Bus-inspired bedroom.
The gallery is bursting with books, plants, crystals, clothes, mirrors, and energy. I had Women.Weed.Wifi's main partners, Amanya Maloba, Janice Ibarra, and Vanity Thomas, share with me some of their favorite objects from their fantasy bedroom. [...]
Vanity’s Library
"I really love my library—This part of the space embodies every part of me," wrote Vanity. "Art from my family, sage from Standing Rock, accomplishments with school, & my exploration within myself." I spotted a lot of different amazing books: A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. (Jasmyne Keimig)
The Standard (Hong Kong) visits the Yorkshire Dales.
After an easy descent, we made our way into Arncliffe (from the Norse for Eagle's Cliff), a tiny village straight out of Emily Brontë. Though it consists of little more than a modest green, a church and a clutch of fieldstone houses, it is home to a well known 18th-century pub, the Falcon. At tables around a coal fire, we refueled with a Ploughman's Lunch and cauliflower soup. (Dave Hage)
The Tufts Daily reviews the film Colette.
Colette’s coming of age was synchronized with the emergence of other intelligent literary female minds, such as the Brontë sisters, Jane Austen and Emily Dickinson. These women literally fueled the growth of the female voice. The agency of expression is crucial to gaining any kind of social right, because, as the film “Colette” puts it, “the hand that holds the pen writes history.” (Rebecca Tang)
Positano News (Italy) reviews the film After.
Una strizzata d’occhio al topos dell’amore romantico per eccellenza, quello che spingeva il giovane Werther al suo dolore… e che porta la scrittrice a osare parallelismi tra i suoi personaggi e gli eroi romantici di Jane Austen e delle sorelle Brontë(Translation)
, mescolato con una spruzzata d’erotismo (i rapporti sessuali, almeno sulle pagine, sono descritti con dovizia di particolari) e il gioco è fatto.


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