09 PM | 29 Sep

Ambivalently Yours #Feminist rants ❤❤ #pink #drawings [#geekgirl]


“Part of being a feminist is about advocating for a woman’s right to choose. This right, however, does not imply there is only one choice. For example, my commitment to feminism could only occur once I gave myself permission to also embrace my love of fashion and the colour pink, two things often associated with the patriarchal domination of women. To quote queer theorist Jack Halberstam: “I explore a feminist politics that issues not from a doing but from an undoing, not from a being or becoming women but from a refusal to be or become a woman as she has been defined and imagined within Western Philosophy.” My refusal to has allowed for another space to exist: not a space of indecision but rather a space of undeciding. I call this space: Ambivalently Yours..” Ambivalently Yours

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