03 January 2017

Decorating and Settling Down

We found ourselves in the furniture store recently. We wanted some piece of furniture for our living room, and so after looking for it online, we found it in one of the shops here in Berlin, so we checked it out and then went ahead and bought it. I suppose we decided that we would go ahead with decorating our flat.

See, for the past couple of years, we didn't know whether we would be staying here in Berlin or not. But I guess now we do know that we're staying here for a bit. So we went ahead and made our flat a project. After all, we were thinking before that what's the use of putting a lot of effort in the flat when we would leave it and maybe rent it out? But now that we are sure we'd be living in it, then we're making some changes to make it a little bit more personal.

This reminds me of my past. When I was in Buffalo, I lived very frugal. I didn't settle down, even though it was 7 years of my life. I could pack my whole apartment in an afternoon, and I really didn't live planted in the ground. Heck, there was a period when I was sleeping in an air bed, not because I couldn't afford a bed, but because I always thought what's the point in investing in furniture when I know that when I graduate I would be moving out and leaving town.

Anyway, Berlin seems to be the first city in which I could see myself settling down. This city is slowly becoming more and more like home to me, and so roots are slowly being planted. Roots such as bookshelves, or new tiles, or repainting the wall, or buying artwork. That's right, this flat is slowly growing into a home. And I think I like that.