Standing With Cruz


As you can tell from the dozens and dozens of articles I have written about this presidential campaign, I am not a big fan of Donald Trump. But I am much less a fan of Hillary Clinton. I loathe the Obama presidency. I simply cannot deal the prospect of a third Obama term brought to us courtesy of Hillary Clinton.


Hillary tells us Obama didn’t go far enough with his extra-legal immigration actions. Hillary has also gone further than any other presidential candidate has been willing to go to suppress our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. And those are just two reasons I fear another Clinton Presidency.

I have contemplated whom I might vote for come Election Day, over and over and over again. I go around and around with myself about this — wondering whether I can bring myself to vote for The Donald to stop Hillary.

I was very unhappy when Ted Cruz decided he had to throw in the towel and suspend his campaign. I was surprised, and disappointed when Cruz did not endorse Trump at the convention.

I naively thought that the coalition that was the GOP would coalesce around the nominee to defeat what I see as the greater evil. Being more Never Hillary than Never Trump, at first, I failed to comprehend how deep and principled the conviction of my Never Trump friends runs.


When Cruz endorsed Trump what I felt was relief.

I won’t endorse Trump, but I will Stand with Cruz and vote for Trump because, using Cruz’ words, “Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president . . .  Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way.” And I “don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency.”


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