12 January 2018

Spain 3.0: CosmoCaixa

After getting back fro Tarragona, I noticed that I still had quite some time in the afternoon. After all, dinner is rather late in Barcelona and the rest of Spain, so I figured I head up to the hills again and check out something. I opted for the CosmoCaixa Barcelona, a science museum. It used to be known as the Science Museum of Barcelona, and after extensive renovations some years ago, it reopened with its current name.

I don't remember the last time I have visited a science museum. Mostly because I have this impression that science museums are full of children, and sometimes I don't have the patience to deal with this crowd. Anyway, I bought a ticket, and even though I didn't buy a ticket for any of the temporary exhibitions they were offering that time, I still had a blast.

The first thing that I opted to check out was the Amazon rainforest. There is a complete section of the building that is a reconstruction of a rainforest. It spans several floors, and everything including the humidity was somehow quite real. There is a section that allows you to look what it is like underwater, and see what creatures live there. And then there's also the section above the water, where you see interesting animals, such as a capybara. And yes, there are also creepy creatures like tarantulas and snakes.

There is also a huge geology section, and I particularly liked the exhibit about different rocks. There are several slabs of rock hanging by the walls, and you can examine how different they are. I also found the interactive exhibits very interesting and educational, as I learned about plate tectonics, earthquakes, erosion and the patterns they create, and so on.

There are so many other exhibits, from physics to anthropology. I saw a block of ice/water/vapor showing all three states of H20. There were Neanderthals in the house. There were also several other exhibits showing how physics works. This is definitely a very interesting and educational place.

The last thing I saw was this hanging tree. I don't remember what it was about, but near the bottom, there was a contraption where you could raise some dead leaves and let it fall, and see how the leaves spin down and get collected at the bottom.

In any case this was a fantastic museum. I am not a kid, but I felt like I spent a few hours being back in school, learning about cool stuff. I definitely recommend this to anyone visiting Barcelona, whether you have a child with you or not.