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Why Your Mammogram Results May Soon Tell You if You Have Dense Breasts

Dense breast tissue can make it harder for a mammogram to detect tumors. Some states already have laws on the books that say patients must be told if they have dense breast tissue. Now, the FDA has proposed a rule that would mandate dense breast notification nationwide.

Breast tissue contains a combination of fat, which is less dense, and fibroglandular tissue, which includes milk glands and ducts. If you have more of the fibroglandular tissue, you may be at greater risk of breast cancer, and any tumors may be more difficult to detect. About half of women 40 and over have dense breasts.

Depending on your risk (and insurance coverage), you may be able to get a 3D mammogram, breast MRI, ultrasound, or other screening. But not everybody with dense breasts is at a higher risk of cancer, and it’s not clear whether extra screening helps. Unfortunately experts don’t agree on what a patient should do if they receive a letter saying they have dense breast tissue—beyond “talk to your doctor,” always good advice for any health concern.