Change Agent, Advocate. Kindness. Marketing

Power Partners

Power partners are those of whom you collaborate with to help each other expand your network of referrals. Here are 10 tips in developing Power Partners.

Relationship, Marketing

# Start with your objective – once you write out clear and specific objectives, it will boost your overall design and everyone will start on the same page.

# Develop relationships with the person that you feel will work with you, it may take up to three months do develop power partner relationships. These people could be affiliates or vendors who have similar customers.

# Create a data base of connections and categorize them, this will help you share your connections to your power partners.

# Adopt a cause marketing partner – these are nonprofits or causes that you believe in. It will help the both of you tap into markets or customers you would not have gotten on your own.

# Start a brag book if you haven’t got one already. List your media exposure, articles that have been published. Awards that you have received, share them with your referral partners so they know more about you

# Teach a class by using your expertise or something that you are passionate about, invite your power partners and their customers to the class. Or teach a workshop together.

# Set 90 day goals what the action plan is going to be work with you and your partners so you can share your expectations.

# Develop the right mind set to build good relationships and follow-up with them to answer any questions they have.

# Recognize them for their successes and celebrate your achievements together. Renew your goals with each other.

# Developing Power Partners is about listening to them, getting to know them, make it about them not you. Be authentic share stories of successes you have had and ask them for their stories of success.

On the other posts and videos, I’ve shared about tips in how to develop your Ideal customer/Client? It’s much the same only this time you want to go deeper to help build your credibility as a referral power partner.


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