Catch me at Gaudeamus

The programme for September’s Gaudeamus Muziekweek has been published, and I’m pleased to note that I’ll be appearing not once but three times as part of the festival.

On Saturday morning, 9 September, I’ll be on stage interviewing two of the Gaudeamus Award nominees, Sky Macklay and Chaz Underriner (I believe the website listing is not quite accurate on this point).

Then in the afternoon, I’ll present a few bits from Music after the Fall, under the title ‘Afterness in the Music of Three Young Composers‘. Keeping with the Gaudeamus theme, they will all be composers with some association with the festival: Clara Iannotta, Marko Nikodijevic and Stefan Prins.

And finally on Sunday morning (again, I think the website has some of the details slightly wrong), I’ll be on stage once more interviewing the other three nominees, Ivan Vukosavljević, Ethan Braun and Aart Strootman.

A chance to meet some new people and some new pieces, and to get to know a key festival in the European scene for the first time – I’m really looking forward to this one!

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