Friday, July 05, 2019

πŸ“– Ryton Wood

☀️26C Friday 5th July 2019 ~ A less hectic day today with a pleasant few hours at Ryton Wood, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust.

Purple Hairstreak taking refuge!
'Mad dogs & Englishmen go out in the midday sun' summed up today's visit with Alan Boddington. It was a scorcher but the woodland areas helped take the heat out of things. Even the Purple Hairstreaks were taking refuge under the leaves.

Year-First Southern Hawker
Several dragonflies today included a year-first Southern Hawker, plus Brown Hawker and Common Darter also noted.

Meadow Brown taking a breather
We did spend some time at the well-known Purple Emporer trees but no sign of any just yet, although there were plenty of Purple Hairstreaks up in the canopy. The usual hoards of Meadow Browns on the wing, along with growing numbers of Ringlet, but no Gatekeepers to be found.

Large White from today's visit.
Having not seen any Large Whites at all this week they were well represented today with at least eight noted. A few other White Sp. flew through but never settled for ID purposes.

White Admiral

Silver-washed Fritillary
(15) Silver-washed Fritillary and (11) White Admiral along with various counts of Small & Large Skipper ended a fantastic week covering 5 reserves!