Trump's Attorney Doubles Down On Trump's "Too Ugly to Molest" Defense

Earlier today on CNN, Trump attorney and surrogate, Michael Cohen, gave forth a goldmine of quotable but cringeworthy moments while he was on with Wolf Blitzer.


None were so cringeworthy, however, as when Blitzer and Cohen got onto the topic of Trump’s sexual abuse claims from women, and how he responded.

“Were you uncomfortable when he suggested these women weren’t very attractive?” asked Blitzer.

“I don’t even want to talk about that. You know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people may think they’re beautiful. Others don’t,” responded Cohen. “I don’t think it’s relevant to the conversation at all.”

“He was suggesting they weren’t attractive enough for him to make such a move,” pressed Blitzer.

“I think what Mr. Trump is really trying to say is they’re not somebody that he would be attracted to, and therefor the whole thing is nonsense,” responded Cohen.


Essentially, Cohen didn’t clarify Trump’s comments in such a way that it made them any better. If anything, he paraphrased what Trump said, and doubled down on them.

I’m not sure this election can get any trashier, but it’s sure as hell trying. Cohen is standing by his boss’s defense of his accuser being too ugly to molest. That’s actually something happening this election year.

I’d like to congratulate Rince and the GOP on their fine choice.


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