The grand opening of Anthony Bourdain's massive food market is still at just over two years away, but Bourdain is already confident he'll be able to fill it with some of the best food vendors from around the world.

"You bring the people in who know what they're doing and you let them do it," Bourdain said in a recent Vogue profile. "You bring in the guy who's the best chicken-and-rice guy in Singapore and just let him do his thing. Bring in his own signage. I'm not building some arty fucking thing."

Bourdain Market is going to be designed by Roman and Williams, so it'll still be cool-looking, even if it's not some arty fucking thing. After a few real estate hiccups (earlier this year, Eater revealed the market still hadn't secured a lease), Bourdain Market is confirmed to be operating out of Pier 57 in Chelsea. The majority of the market's 100+ vendors are still unconfirmed, but so far the lineup includes Mexico's La Guerrerense, Singapore's Geylang Claypot Rice, and two stands by April Bloomfield and Ken Friedman of The Spotted Pig.

When asked about securing work permits, apartments, flights, visas, and the like for prospective vendors, Bourdain simply said "We're on it, man."

"I feel in my bones this is a space that New Yorkers should be able to call their own, and I find myself in the ludicrous position of being able to make that happen, apparently," he said.

Unfortunately, you won't be stuffing your face in gargantuan food market until at least 2019. In the meantime, feel free to scroll through their Instagram/inspiration board and keep your eyes peeled for a Bourdain Market app that's supposed to be dropping in January of next year.