Trump Promised a Charity Millions In 2012 If Obama Proved He Was American and It's Time to Pay the Piper

Earlier today, Donald Trump full reversed on an issue he had been hammering on during the 2012 elections. Trump was convinced that Obama’s origins weren’t American, and consistently was in the media calling for him to release records proving it. He was so convinced, that he offered $5 Million to a charity of Obama’s choice for further proof, and if he was satisfied, Obama would have the check within an hour.


But there’s more. According to Washington Post, Trump had stated that just before the deadline of October 31st he had upped it to $50 Million!

Two years later, Trump described his 2012 offer in a speech at the National Press Club. Trump said that, at the last minute, he had actually upped it to a whopping $50 million.

“Now then, what wasn’t reported by the press is, sometime just prior to the expiration date of that offer, I raised the offer to $50 million. $50 million! For charity,’ Trump said in 2014. “Pick your charity, for $50 million, and let me see your records! And I never heard from him.”

Fast forward to the present day, where now we have a Republican candidate Donald Trump is not just punching the breaks on his past birtherism, but throwing it into reverse. Sadly for him, he wasn’t looking where he was going and crashed into a very expensive wall.

His confirming that Obama was correct, and he completely believes he’s 100%, Grade A-merican means that Trump owes Obama a check, and a hefty one at that. A whole $50 Million dollars to any charity Obama can name. As Trump said in his video…this is a check he really wants to write.


The question is, can he? Trump’s campaign is having more than a little monetary trouble according to various reports. If he were to keep his word, and cough up the cash, he’d probably have nothing left.



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